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A Study on Relationship among the Personal Characteristic , Professional Identities, and Job Burnout of the Preschool
作者 鄭進丁
本研究旨在探討高雄市幼托園所教保人員人格特質、專業認同與職業倦怠之關係。以682位高雄市公私立幼稚園、托兒所之教師與教保人員為研究對象,並以自編之「教保人員人格特質、專業認同與職業倦怠之調查問卷」為研究工具,研究所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析等方法進行分析處理。經研究結果發現:一、教保人員「人格特質」整體表現良好,其中以「自律負責」表現較佳。二、教保人員「專業認同」整體表現良好,其中以「專業倫理」表現較佳。三、教保人員「職業倦怠」整體表現為低程度,其中以「身心耗竭」顯現較高。四、31歲以上、已婚、服務11年以上的教保人員,其整體人格特質較佳。五、31歲以上、已婚、服務11年以上的教保人員,其整體專業認同較佳。六、30歲以下、未婚、服務16年以上且任職於私立園所的教保人員,有較高的職業倦怠。七、教保人員「人格特質」越佳,其「專業認同」也會有較高的正向表現,「職業倦怠」感較低。八、教保人員的「情緒穩定」對於「職業倦怠」具有最佳的預測作用。最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,教育局與園所應建立教師諮輔機制,舉辦康樂體能活動,並督導私立園所改進管理措施,以調適教師情緒。The purpose of this studed aims to investigate the relationship among the personal characteristics, professional identities, and job burnout of the preschool teachers in Kaohsiung city. The subjects (N = 682) who were randomly choosed were preschool teachers in Kaohsiung city. In this study, they had to fill out 'The Qestionnaire of the Personal Chracteristics, Professional Identities, and Job Burnout of the Preschool Teachers.' The collected data were analyzed through the descriptive and inferential statistics, including means, standard deviation, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the study were: 1. the preschool teachers' scores of personal characteristics were totally above the mean, and they got the highest score on the sub-dimension, 'conscientiousness'; 2. their scores of professional identities were totally higher than the mean score, and they preformed best on the 'professional ethics' among the sub-dimensions. 3. their scores of job burnout were on a lower degree, and the sub-dimension, 'emotion exhaustion' was the highest one. 4. the preschool teachers who were above 31 years old, married, and with 11-years work experience and more got the highest score in the personal characteristics. 5. those who were above 31 years old, married, and with 11-years work experience and more obtained the highest score in the professional identities. 6. those who were below 31 years old, unmarried, and with 16-years work experience and more earned the highest score in the job burnout. 7. the preschool teachers' personal characteristics and professional identities had a positive relation, but had a negative relation with job burnout. 8. the sub-dimension, 'emotioinal stability' was a significant predict or to the job burnout, personal charactistics, and professional identities. According to the results, the researcher proposed that the educational bureau and preschool should set up a counseling system and hold recreation activities to accommodate teachers' emotion.
起訖頁 245-283
關鍵詞 教保人員人格特質專業認同職業倦怠Preschool teachersPersonal characteristicsProfessional identitiesJob burnout
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣高中生和日本高中生英語學習動機的比較研究




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