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The Origin and Development of Taiwanese Culture of Worship of Five Camps Soldiers
作者 金清海
五營信仰是台灣民間重要的信仰文化。本論文在探討台灣五營信仰文化的源頭、衍變及轉化。除前言外,分為三部分,一略述五營信仰文化的源頭─儺及符、籙、咒信仰文化;二論述五營信仰的雛型、成熟及轉化;三結論,指出五營信仰在台灣受法派道法二門的影響最深,從遣天將調神兵用於除妖斬魔、驅邪除煞的功能、衍變為部落公共安全的居安意識的營衛與鎮安觀念,影響所及,已普遍存在於民俗神的信仰中。The worship of Five Camp Soldiers is essential to Taiwanese folk culture. In this article, the origin , development and transition of the Taiwanese culture of Worship of Five Camps Soldiers is referred.This article is divided into three parts: In the first part, the origin of Nuo and Worship of Five Camps Soldiers - the belief culture of Fu (figure), Lu (amulet) and Zhou(incantation) is concisely mentioned. The second part describes the progress of the worship of Five Camp Soldiers. The final part concludes that the worship of Five Camp Soldiers in Taiwan is mostly effected by the Fa school Daoism. Additionally, the worship of Five Camp Soldiers has altered its rule from the defeater to the vicious to the source of vigilant awareness to inhibitors. The worship of Five Camp Soldiers has resides currently in folk beliefs therefore.
起訖頁 43-59
關鍵詞 符籙咒五營信仰法派居安意識NuoBelief culture of FuLu and ZhouFive Camp SoldiersThe Fa School DaoismVigilant awareness
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201306 (10期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 一些瑕積分公式的推廣
該期刊-下一篇 明鄭復臺抗清過程及其失敗因素之評析




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