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Representative Democracy and Citizens' Rights of Assembly and Procession
作者 陳龍騰林正順
在現代民主國家中,代議民主制度的流弊,讓政府與人民,以及社會中的多數、優勢族群與少數、劣勢族群間,產生了嚴重的隔閡。特別是,來自基層人民集會遊行權的行使,往往被污名化,而受到不當的限制,使得民主理念的落實,面臨了嚴重的挑戰。本文以為,就憲法基本權的原理而言,集會遊行權保障的是一種更平等的政治參與管道,而其主要的目的就在於「溝通」。另其精神亦與審議民主所強調的公平參與不謀而合。惟過去學界鮮少以審議民主的視角,來證成集會遊行權利保障的正當性,本文即是希望黏合兩者的概念作探討之。本文結論指出,審議民主的理念,確實可以補強集會遊行權在當代民主落實中的正當性基礎,同時透過審議民主所揭櫫的核心主張,吾人可以更明確地對集會遊行權進行調整,以促進整體人權水準的提升。In modern democratic countries, the shortcomings of representative democracy have created a deep gap between a government and its citizens, and also the gap between the majority and minority and, also haves and have-nots. The situations worsen, when the rights are stigmatized and limited, and it challenged the realization of the essence of democracy. This study claimed that since the basic principle of the human rights, in the Constitution, to protect the right of assembly and procession, it should be a channel for equal participation in politics. The purpose of the rights of assembly and procession is to communicate. The same value reflects the fairness of deliberative democracy. Few researches have looked into this issue from the perspective of representative democracy. This essay is an exploratory study to combine deliberative democracy with the rights of assembly and processions. The study concluded that the principles of deliberative democracy could reinforce the justification of the rights of assembly and procession, and through the core values of modern democracy, we could properly adjust the rights of assembly and procession, which will increase the realization of overall human rights.
起訖頁 243-258
關鍵詞 審議民主集會遊行權哈伯瑪斯人權代議民主Deliberative democracyThe right of assembly and procession
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201106 (8期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 梅堯臣詩歌的創作旨趣
該期刊-下一篇 高雄市國民小學實施攜手計畫課後扶助之樣貌




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