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The US-Taiwan-China Trilateral Interaction and The Cross-Strait Relations
作者 陳龍騰
美、中、台三邊互動,深深影響著兩岸關係。故如何在兩岸三邊的架構下取出最大的公約數,實屬重要。本文共分四個部分,首先擬就政治核心問題「一個中國原則」及「九二共識」分析當前兩岸的政治情勢。其次,因為美國仍將是左右臺海兩岸互動的主要角色,因此探討美國對兩岸政經互動所持的基本態度。再者,美國在「反恐」新戰略思維下對兩岸政經關係有何影響。最後,謹就目前美、中、台三邊互動及兩岸當前所面臨困境,提出若干建議,以供決策者參考。The US-Taiwan-China bilateral relations deeply influence the cross-Strait relations. Hence, it is essential to search the greatest common denominator among the cross-Strait as well as the trilateral relationship. This paper will be divided into four parts to discuss. First, based on 'One China Policy' and the '1992 Consensus', we will analyze the cross-Strait political situation. Secondly, as US still plays a significant role m the interaction of cross-Strait relations, we will review American attitude toward the political and economic interaction between China and Taiwan. In addition, how will the American new 'Anti- terrorism' perspective affect the political and economic interaction between cross-Strait as well. Finally, according to dilemma of the US-Taiwan-China and cross-Strait interaction encountering, some suggestions are provided for some policymaker as references.
起訖頁 161-179
關鍵詞 九二共識江八點五一七聲明一法三報世界貿易組織The 1992 consensusJiang's eight pointsMay 17 remarksOne act and three communiquesWTO
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200506 (2期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 從世說新語與魏晉風流談通識教學的通識化與全人化
該期刊-下一篇 周鍾瑄與曹謹對臺灣水利的貢獻




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