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A Preliminary Exploration On The Referendum Law Of Our Nation
作者 周昭彰
公民投票源於古希臘城邦的直接民主與近代法國思想家盧梭的主權在民理論,而中山先生的民權主義以直接民權為理想,以期造就一個全民政治的現代化國家。我國「公民投票法」之經立法院三讀通過,而成為公投制度之法源,藉由公民投票不僅可以確實瞭解民意趨向,同時亦深化了臺灣的民主政治,本文茲就公民投票的相關意涵、我國公投運動的歷程、公民投票法之立法重要條文加以整理闡述之,裨使莘莘學子能對此一議題能有顯明的觀念,進而能善用公民投票權,讓此普世價值於臺灣真正紮根,展現良好民主的政治文化。Referendum arose from the ancient Greek states' direct democracy and the contemporary French thinker Rousseau's doctrine of popular sovereignty. And Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's ideal that the democracy is of people is based on direct democracy in hopes of making a modem country applying people's politics. The referendum law of our nation has passed three readings in the Legislature Yuan and become the sources of law for our nation's referendum system. Through referendum, not only the trend of public opinions can be understood exactly, but also the democratic politics of Taiwan can be deepened. In this article, the relevant implication of referendum, the history of our country's referendum movement and the legislation points are explicated so that numerous students would obtain understandable ideas regarding this issue to make good use of the referendum rights and this universal value would root indeed in Taiwan to exhibit good democratic political culture.
起訖頁 17-35
關鍵詞 公民投票直接民權全民政治referendumdirect democracypeople's politics
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 200406 (1期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 山水文學的特質及其對性情之陶冶




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