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Crossing the Past and the Present: Take the Revitalization of Pakalungay, the Amis Tribal Age Organization for Youngsters in Atolan as an Example
作者 林芳誠
本研究以都蘭部落進行的年齡組織文化復振為例,利用傳統年齡組織為架構而設計的Pakalungay訓練營,將部落孩童聚集起來於祭典前夕學習傳統文化,透過集體學習的機會讓參與孩童得以體驗有別於學校教育的文化學習。經過數年的累積,不僅促使孩童產生同儕情感與團體凝聚力,更讓原本因為失去族人參與的男子年齡組織得到後繼人力的加入,讓部落舉辦祭典添增許多活力,也讓族人更積極投入部落文化活動。本文透過當代都蘭阿美人利用傳統年齡組織制度,融合多元思維模式所創造的Pakalungay訓練營進行文化重建工作的經驗,探討有別於傳統阿美族男性的生命過程與訓練營文化教育模式為一新型態的文化學習,成為當代青年族人的生命經驗。我們可以在這些現象的探討中了解傳統與現代年齡組織教育的差異性,以及部落與外力合作之後所產生的文化效應;同時亦將女性納入教育對象時,觀察女性在傳統與現代的角色位置和文化受教權。筆者嘗試以「文化重建」、「族群認同與凝聚力」、「部落與外力的融合」、「當代思潮對於都蘭阿美青年的生命經驗」此四面向之議題進行討論,針對當代進行的文化重建工作,希望從中結合眾多意見,彙整並提供思考未來文化行進之方向,也讓試圖推動文化工作的其他社群、聚落擁有參考的案例,將文中探討的論點衍生成為適合自我文化發展的題材。Pakalungay is the lowest but the most basic group in the organization of Amis tribe. For the people who have the traditional cultural age set experiences in the past, are very different from now. When the economical and educational surroundings have been changed, villagers move out for their own lives. Besides them, the missionary work of Catholic and Christian also reduce the inclination to the affairs of the tribe.The beginning of the cultural revitalization movements in Atolan was the 'Pakalungay educational camp' which is combined with traditional and modern methods to educate the children in the tribe. During the time when they get together, children have chances to learn their culture and make them treasure it more than before. This situation not only attributes the higher identify to the tribe and culture but recalls more villagers back to join the cultural affairs.The purpose of this essay is trying to understand what situation do Amis people face to and how do they react. The four youth age organizations (Malikuda'ay) will be the most important issue to observe by the interactive activities between them. In addition, the sexual problems are very different from the old days. Female (especially the younger one) was not allowed to join the age organization but own the similar rights today. Besides it, the effects after cooperation from tribe and the outside is mentioned to discuss. Above all phenomena are new experiences of Amis youth people in Atolan nowaday.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 都蘭阿美族年齡組織Pakalungay文化復振AtolanAmisAge organizationPakalungayCultural revitalization movement
刊名 文資學報  
期數 201212 (7期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
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