中文摘要 |
吳卿是國內著名的精質藝術雕刻家,尤在木雕藝術領域,開創罕見的極緻限度精藝之作。故本文旨在透過二○○○年起,相當期間的持續性田野調查,即口述專訪討論,作品品賞調查以及現場展示規劃等,對當代吳卿藝術工作者近三十年的創作心路歷程,以及創作理念等,作一「作品檔案」以及「大事記」等的資料初稿整理。Wu Chin is a famous sculptor of delicate Arts. Especially in wood sculpture, he opens the aesthetic inspiration of extreme excellent art works. The article is going to discuss the constantly field study lasting of a period from 2002, including the interview of the artist, the survey of the art work appreciation and the exhibition plan. These are the first draft present both in 'Work Portfolio' and 'Annual' of Wu Chin's art career and creating motive and concept of nearly thirty years in devoting himself in Art. |