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Comparisons between the Chinese and the Japanese Cultural Asset Laws & Reflections on Cases - Using Race Arts, Customs and their Related Objects as Study Cases
作者 林保堯
本文旨在透過筆者主持過教育部「重要民族藝術藝師第一階段三年傳藝計畫」、文建會「民間保存傳習計畫綜合計畫」及「全國文藝季精華錄編製計畫」等,十餘年間從事地方文化及傳統藝術的第一線實務工作經驗與各面問題案例,對中日文化資產法令作一比較,尤在民俗藝術、民俗文化及有關文物加以深入析探,找出過往問題之源,以祈建立更為完善制度,以使國人「傳統藝術」更為長青,「保存傳承」更為長新。This essay intends - through the author's more than 10 years' experience in hosting 'Project of the First Three Years for Major Race Artists to Pass on their Arts' sponsored by Ministry of Education, 'Comprehensive Plans for Maintaining and Passing on Folk Arts' sponsored by Council for Cultural Affairs, and 'Project of Compilation of the Best Parts of the National Literary Festival' and first hand experiences in dealing with domestic cultural affairs and traditional arts and case studies - to make comparisons between the Chinese and the Japanese Cultural Asset Laws, particularly with profound analyses in the fields of folk arts, customs and their related objects, hoping to find the cause of past problems in order to establish a better system, with which 'Traditional Arts' can be maintained longer and 'the Passing on' goes on forever.
起訖頁 181-236
關鍵詞 文化資產法文化財保存法民俗藝術無形文化財民俗文化財the Cultural Asset Lawthe Cultural Property Maintaining LawFolk ArtsNon-visible Cultural PropertyFolk Cultural Property
刊名 文資學報  
期數 200512 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期台灣白蟻災害防治研究的發展過程
該期刊-下一篇 「文資學報」第一期專題座談會會議實錄:年鑑、文化、國力




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