中文摘要 |
本研究的主要目的,為針對台北市規模相當之中大型劇場,進行知覺定位分析,探討其定位之差異,進而提出策略建議,作為劇場經營者以及相關人士參考依據。故以台北市七個中大型劇場(包括國際會議中心、國父紀念館、國家音樂廳、國家戲劇院、中山堂、城市舞台、新舞台等)作為研究客體,以曾經觀賞於本研究中任何一個以上之劇場,所舉辦之演出活動的觀眾作為調查對象,進行問卷調查。回收問卷經過多元尺度分析統計方法,可得出加權評分表以及知覺定位圖,並可進一步進行知覺定位分析。知覺定位分析包括標竿分析、理想點分析、競爭態勢分析、關鍵因素評估、準則相關分析及策略分析等六個方法。每個分析之目的皆在於瞭解觀眾之想法,並配合知覺定位圖作為輔助分析工具,進而為各個劇場研擬策略方向。The main objective of this study is to conduct perceptual mapping on medium to large theaters in Taipei City. The discussion will then focus on the differences between the respective positioning of these theaters on the perceptual map. Consequently, strategic recommendations will be proposed to theater operators and relevant personnel. For the purpose of this study, seven medium to large theaters in Taipei City are used as the research objects, these include: Taipei International Convention Center, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, the National Concert Hall (National Chiang Kai Shek Culrural Center R.O.C.), the National Theater (National Chiang Kai Shek Culrural Center R.O.C.), Zhongshan Hall, the Metropolitan Hall (Taipei Municipal Social Education Hall), and Novel Hall for Performing Arts. A convenience sample of audiences who have been to more than one performance or event at any of the seven theaters in this study will be surveyed. Multidimensional scaling analysis will be performed on the survey and used to derive the weighted scores and perceptual map of these theaters. From these, positioning analysis will be carried out. The positioning analysis includes six analytical models: benchmarking analysis, ideal point analysis, competitive situation analysis, key factor evaluation, criterion correlation analysis, and strategy analysis. The aim of this analysis is to understand the audiences' perceptions and subsequently propose strategic directions for each individual theater using the perceptual map as an auxiliary analysis tool. |