中文摘要 |
一般印象中,佛教比之其他宗教,似乎純屬非暴力的和平宗教。然而近十年的西方學界,與佛教相關的各式宗教暴力問題日漸受到重視,連續出版了系列論著,全面檢討這種未經批判性審察的認知。本文除「導言」外,主要由兩部份組成。第一部份提出「佛教宗教暴力」的問題意識。目的是為了引發學界,以及佛教界僧、俗知識群體的注意。第一部份包括的子題有:定義何謂宗教暴力時所遭遇的兩個迷思、「佛教宗教暴力」的定義、對「佛教宗教暴力」提問的抗拒,及佛教宗教暴力的多樣性。第二部份是「案例與專著評介」,扼要描述及枚舉佛教史上,出現在現存三大不同傳統的重大宗教暴力事例,以反詰佛教是罕與暴力沾邊的和平宗教之俗成假設,並就當中具代表性個案,介紹相關專著。第二部份包括的子題有:研究現況、「佛教的宗教暴力」的導論性著作、東南亞佛教、東亞佛教及藏傳佛教。其中東亞佛教一環節特別以日本為重點,討論1、在封建時代的僧兵集團;2、佛教體制與部落民制度;3、明治維新以後日本殖民主義及軍國主義當中的「護國佛教」。最後是全文小結。The present paper is about religious violence that related to Buddhism. The educated Buddhists and the academic Buddhist scholars are invited to be her target audience. Although the popular image of Buddhism is always assumed, by the insider and the outsider, as an exceptional religion in the human history that rarely, if not never, related to religious violence, the international scholarship since the last decade clearly indicates that such beautiful, yet mistaken, image is groundless. Buddhism has involved in all forms of religious violence as much as other main religious traditions do. This paper is composed of two parts. Part 1 is a critical and provocative analysis, to challenge the commonly assumed, yet groundless, claim that Buddhism is free from religious violence. Part 2 is a concise literature review on the modern scholarship of the Buddhist religious violence from all the three main Buddhist traditions. |