中文摘要 |
中國文化自佛經傳譯入中土後,文學、思想、社會、習俗都有進一步融合佛教的痕跡,在詩歌方面也漸漸形成以禪入詩、以禪喻詩的現象。六朝開始的僧人都熟習儒釋道典籍,能詩能文,到唐代更形成所謂的「詩僧」族群,他們參與詩歌創作並提出詩學專著,對詩格、詩法的歸納、詩歌美學的開拓,都有增補之功。本文以全唐五代僧人的「詩格、詩式」為討論,藉一般詩論的重心,分為「聲律論」、「對偶論」、「體製論」、「創作論」與「風格論」等五大範疇,加以觀察分析,最後歸納出其中的詩學意義有:「繼承六朝聲律、對偶等詩法,參贊唐詩體製」、「增補詩道內涵,深化詩歌美學」、「載錄大量僧俗典範詩作,建立詩歌傳統」、「影響後代詩格、詩話,形成以禪論詩風尚」等幾個面向。本文一方面以詩學既有的成果作對照,一方面透過僧人詩格逐一舉例檢證,用以凸顯僧人在唐詩學建立過程中的貢獻。Since Buddhism came to China in Han dynasty, its influence has deeply imprinted in every aspect of Chinese culture including literature, philosophy, and poetry in particularly has formed a trend of discussing it by Zen gradually. Being very proficient in Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism, the Buddhist monks in the Six Dynasty were talented literary men of the time. During Tang Dynasty, there were many monks engaging in poetry writing and even formed a so-called 'group of poem-monks.' Through examining the Buddhist monks' literary works in Tang and Five Dynasties, this article aims to discuss their 'rules of poetry' and investigate them with the following five categories: 'phonology', 'the antithesis theory', 'the system theory', 'the creation theory' and 'the style theory.' Their contributions towards poetic include: 'to help to form the Tang poem system by inheriting Six Dynasties rules of phonology and antithesis', ' to enlarge poem connotation and deepen poetry aesthetics', 'to document the massive poetic compositions of both the Buddhist monks and the laymen and set the poetry tradition up', and 'to affect the descendant rules of poetry, and form the trend of discussing the poem by Zen.' With illustrating these above effects, this article highlights the Buddhist monks' contribution to poetics in Tang Dynasty |