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A Study of Cheyongzhouli's A Summary of Yunshanmengyu
作者 徐聖心
"明末編纂的《曹溪一滴》中,收錄滇地禪僧徹庸周理所著之《雲山夢語摘要》,作為生命奧秘之解說、助學者悟道之津筏,理應是明末佛學史重要課題,但歷來知者甚少,研究亦然。本論文先處理《雲山夢語摘要》成書問題;其次討論夢做為修行法門、至人無夢……等議題。能包涵俗諦、真諦兩層面立論,足以闡釋中土與佛教釋夢的特殊性。並由華嚴學之事事無礙,既能說明夢與心識(即念頭)之關係,又能說明夢並非全由心意識決定。其說可總括至「夢即佛法」,主要有兩個融合式的企圖:一是如何總攝紛雜教判中的諸佛教?二是如何通過總攝,提示既深切又簡易的修行法門?故既承自緣起性空的觀點,說夢無體,說善人所夢皆善;同時也立足於緣起性空,否認夢現象的本質,而重在人的存在狀態及其變化,如智者愚者之夢不同,吉人凶人所夢吉象凶象意義不同,故必有修法以明「夢」之非實在性,並由此以統括一切現象之質性,再推證構成夢之一切心理機轉之幻妄性,再由此內證自心靈明。理論與修法看似參差,實則統會為圓融調協的體系。Like psychoanalysis, Buddhism is shot through with various interpretations of dreams. The Yogācāra studies of the phenomenological Buddhism regard the dream as a type of conscious activity. Another interpretation is that the dream is independent of reality and can serve to be an equivalent of dharma, an interpretation illuminated in the well-known passage of the Diamond Sutra: 'Only this can be the way of perception. All this fleeting world is a star at dawn, a bubble in a stream; a flash of lightning in a summer cloud, a flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.' Thus the dream is one of the dharmas that enables the practitioners to attain to sunyata through a realization of the never-ending change in all realities. In addition to these examples, the practice of the 'dreaming soul' can be seen in the Tibetan Buddhism. With its rich and long-established interpretative traditions in Buddhism, therefore, the dream calls for a deeper and broader exploration of its miscellaneous manifestations. In this regard the achievement of A Summary of Yunshanmengyu is worth noting, a section from Caoxiyidi written by the Chan savant Cheyongzhouli in the late Ming dynasty. Circling round the 'dreaming enlightenment,' this four-chapter section explicates the mystery of life and provides practitioners with a springboard to satori. To re-emphasize the role of dreams as a way of Buddhist practice, several karma stories are added at the end of this section."
起訖頁 33-73
關鍵詞 徹庸周理曹溪一滴夢語摘要DreamEnlightenmentA Summary of Yunshanmengyu
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200912 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 中世紀中國在家菩薩之懺法:對《大通方廣懺悔滅罪莊嚴成佛經》的考察
該期刊-下一篇 Allan Wallace「冥想科學」意識研究之檢視




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