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A Critical Review of Du Yongbing's Biographical Study on dge 'dun chos' phel
作者 劉宇光
本文主要目的是對杜永彬博士已出版的中國社科院博士論文《更敦群培評傳》作出兩點商榷;其次是以此為例,輔以中國大陸的藏學政策性文件,略談中國藏學,尤其在藏族哲學研究上的結構性限制。本文對《評傳》立論的兩項質疑是:(一)用統獨架構來定位更敦群培的適切性;(二)對更敦群培佛學(尤其中觀哲學)思想及其在西藏佛學史上角色的理解。This is a critical review of Du Yongbing's book-volume biographical study on dge 'dun chos'phel. I try to argue two main points in this article. Firstly, the role of dge 'dun chos'phel in modern Tibet is so complicated that we should not reduce the issue in a dualistic discourse of Union vs. Independence. Otherthan arousing antinomy, this dualism can do nothing to help us to clarify the problem. Secondly, from the viewpoint of historical development of Madhyamika Philosophy in Tibetan Buddhism, Du's claim that dge'dun chos'phel is a original thinker within Madhyamika tradition is philosophically groundless. Finally, this article will take Du's study as an example to illustrate the general situation of Tibetology in Mainland China.
起訖頁 221-252
關鍵詞 藏傳佛教中國藏學西藏現代史格魯派更敦群培Tibtan BuddhismChinese TibetologyModern TibetDge lugs paDge'dun chos' phel
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200712 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣人間佛教的兩種淨土觀點--以印順法師與李炳南居士為例




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