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Examine the process during the acquisition of whole body movement coordi nation
作者 陳秀惠范永奕劉有德 (Yeou-The Ln)
目的:藉由檢視全新動作技能的學習過程,了解全身性動作協調的動力轉移機制。方法:以自行車滾筒練習檯騎乘為目標技能,參與者共有9名,其中8名大學生為學習者,1名自行車選手為專家,作為學習者表現的比較對象。當學習者能夠穩定的騎乘之後,接著在不同目標速度(依序為24,30,7公里/時)下練習,之後調整齒輪比進行遷移測驗。在練習過程中蒐集學習者全身主要肢段關節和車架上標記點的三維空間座標,計算穩定騎乘時間、目標速度差距等變量,並進行主成份分析,以量化動作協調型態。結果:結果變項部分出現由完全不會到突然間成功之不連續進步之鞍節點動力分歧特徵,動作協調方面,腿部踩踏時的上身平衡型態於學習過程亦有所差異。結論:自行車滾筒練習檯騎乘技能學習過程符合鞍節點動力分歧特徵。應用主成份分析法有助於探討全身性動作協調的學習過程。Purpose: The presented study aimed to understand the mechanism of transition of whole body movement coordination by examining the process of learning a novel motor skill. Methods: The task was to ride on a roller trainer. There were 9 participants within which 8 college students as the learners and 1 cyclist as the expert whose performances were the standard that the learners compared to. As the learners could ride stably, they then were required to ride with different target speed (24, 30 and 7 km/hour). The transfer test was implement after the practice period during which the gear ratio was been adjusted. Three dimension coordinates of markers on the major segments of whole body and on the bike were collected throughout the learning process for calculating the stable time and difference of target speed and for implementing the principal component analysis. The learning curves of resultant variables then were fitted using exponential function and the pattern of components were also compared. Results: The results showed that the characteristics of saddle- node bifurcation were found in the outcome variables in which the discrete progress of unable to success was revealed. For the coordination pattern of movement, the balancing pattern of upper body coupling the pedaling of legs was change during learning process. Conclusion: The process of learning to ride on roller trainer could be explained by the saddle node bifurcation. The application of the principal component analysis enhance the investigation on the process of learning the whole body movement coordination.
起訖頁 233-243
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 運動希望量表之修訂及因素結構檢驗
該期刊-下一篇 運動自主性功能指數量表之因素效度




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