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Relationships among basketball referee's incorrect call, recovery types, and customers' satisfactions
作者 高三福 (San-Fu Kao)龐雲漢謝承甫陳忠強
目的:以三個研究探討籃球裁判的吹判失誤及補救方式與顧客評價裁判及主辦單位滿意度的關係。方法:研究一採焦點團體進行,研究參與者為4位不同籃球專業背景的教練、裁判及球員。研究二與研究三採腳本法,研究參與者各為389人與280人。研究腳本以成套隨機方式發送給研究參與者,通過研究操弄檢核者為有效資料樣本。結果:研究一發現失誤類型可歸類為違例錯誤、犯規錯誤及罰球錯誤;失誤嚴重程度可區分為影響勝負結果及衝突;而補救方式則可分為不予處理、補哨、立刻更正判決及賽後大會公開聲明。以多變項變異數分析分析研究二與研究三的資料,研究二結果發現吹判失誤類型與補救方式對顧客的滿意度沒有交互作用的效果存在,研究三則發現失誤的嚴重程度與補救方式對顧客滿意度有顯著的交互作用效果。結論:籃球裁判吹判失誤後的補救方式與顧客滿意度的關係,不因失誤的類型而改變,而是受到失誤嚴重程度的影響。立刻更正是吹判失誤後最佳的補救策略,特別是在嚴重失誤的情況下,立刻更正能夠維持顧客最高的滿意度。Purpose: Examining the relationships among basketball referee's incorrect-call and recovery strategies on customers' satisfactions with referees and satisfactions with game officials. Three studies were conducted. Methods: In study 1 focus group interview was use. The 4 participants were coaches, referee, and player who were basketball experts from different backgrounds and experiences. Scenarios were used in study 2 and study 3. Participants in study 2 and study 3 were 389 and 280, respectively. Scenarios were surveyed in group-random and the manipulating check was used for collecting the valid samples. Results: In study 1 the types of incorrect-call could be categorized as mistakes- in-violations, mistakes-in-fouls, and mistakes-in-free-throws. The magnitudes of incorrect-call could be categorized as influence the win/loss of the game and the conflicts that interrupted the play. The recovery strategies could be identified as move-on, makeup-calls, correction-immediately, and acknowledgement-publicly after play. MANOVA was used for analysis the data in study 2 and study 3. The results in study 2 revealed that the interaction of incorrect-call types and recovery strategies were not significant. In study 3 the interactions of incorrect-call magnitude and recovery strategies were significant different in satisfactions. Conclusion: The relationships between basketball referee's incorrect call recovery and customers' satisfactions were not changed by the incorrect-call types, but by the magnitude. Correction-immediately after an incorrect-call was the best recovery strategy, especially in a severity incorrect-call situation.
起訖頁 103-114
刊名 體育學報  
期數 201403 (47:1期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 綜合體育館大型集會活動廠商客戶之服務品質屬性分析
該期刊-下一篇 運動贊助的正當性來源與社會資本的補償作




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