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Study of the promotive strategies and interventive model for physical activity in community
作者 方進隆李若屏高鈺彥張致瑋卓俊辰
社區身體活動介入可增加居民身體活動量,國內應研擬可行的推廣策略與介入模式來實踐社區運動化。目的:一、執行社區身體活動介入計畫並探討成效。二、建立社區身體活動推廣策略與介入模式。方法:社區身體活動介入計畫中招募臺北縣某社區之28位社區民眾(56.7±10.1歲),提供每週一次之身體活動課程,並於12週介入前後評估運動態度、行為與體適能;另透過文獻收集、社區介入經驗與專家座談會擬定「社區身體活動推廣策略與介入模式專家問卷」,問卷內容歸納為組織、資源、活動和服務,再細分第二和第三層次項目,且以五等量表評分,並經63位體育和衛生之學者專家所作的問卷結果,作為建立社區身體活動推展策略與介入模式之依據。結果:28位社區民眾中有23位完成三分之二以上課程,且體適能顯著進步(p<.05)(包括心肺功能、柔軟度與肌耐力);運動態度(改善睡眠、提升健康形象和自信心)亦顯著改變(p<.05);運動頻率和強度也有改善趨勢。社區身體活動推廣策略應以組織、資源、活動與服務為主要架構,再考量成立推動小組、召集人、組織章程,妥善應用人力、場地、設備與經費,活動內容和方式以及服務方式和公共關係的建立等細項。結論:本研究於社區身體活動介入後有良好成果,所建立的推廣策略與介入模式可提供社區推廣身體活動計畫之參考,但仍建議不同社區應考量其特色而採取適合的推廣策略。The community physical activity (PA) intervention was regarded to increase the PA level of the residents. Therefore, the accessible strategy and model needed to be developed for promoting PA for local communities. Purpose: 1. To investigate the effect of community PA intervention and 2. To build the promotive strategies and interventive model of community PA. Methods: 28 residents (aged 56.7 ± 10.1yrs) of one community in the Taipei county were recruited to participate in this interventive program once per week. Before and after 12 week intervention, the physical fitness, exercise behavior and attitude of each subject were collected for data analysis. With literature review, the experience of intervention and the expert panel, the questionnaire of community promotion strategies and model was developed. The content structure was classified into four categories including organization, resource, activity and service. Then the second-and third-level questions were developed from the basic 4 categories, and were asked in 5-scale level. There were 63 questionnaires from health and physical education experts were collected for developing the model and strategies. Results: There was 23 of 28 subjects attended more than 2/3 classes and showed significantly improved in physical fitness (p< .05, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility and muscular endurance) and sports attitude (p< .05, improve the sleep quality, enhance the body image and confidence). The exercise frequency and intensity had the trend to increase. The frameworks of organization, resource, activity and service were respectively further to extend the chairperson, committee and regulation; the instructor, place, facility and budget; content and style; the relationship, content and manners. Conclusion: The community PA intervention showed the positive effects. The developed model and strategies of community PA intervention can be used for promotion; however, the character of each community needs to be considered.
起訖頁 1-14
刊名 體育學報  
期數 200809 (41:3期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-下一篇 父母對於兒童的運動信念及行為的影響機制與兒童知覺父母涉入的品質




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