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Effect of Policy Beliefs on the People Usage Intention of Alternative Fuel Vehicles
作者 張新立梁竣凱黃銘崇黃新薰劉致言
為因應日趨惡化之全球暖化與氣候變遷議題,節省能源消耗與減少溫室氣體已成為各國之主要政策。針對此點,交通部與其他部會正積極合作推廣替代能源車輛的使用,此政策能否成功的關鍵乃在於政策是否為民眾所接受。本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,搭配嚴謹之政策發展程序,討探民眾對於「經濟誘因」、「交通管理」、「車輛監理」與「基礎與輔助設施建置」等政策信念與替代能源車輛使用意向之間的關係。經蒐集1,314個有效樣本(668汽車,644機車),透過結構方程模式之分析,結果顯示,基礎建設政策及經濟誘因政策信念對於使用意向具有影響。最後提出理論與實務上之意涵,供推廣替代能源車輛政策參考之用。Global warming and climate change have become more and more deteriorate. Energy conservation and carbon reduction have been one of the most important policies to confront with the problem. Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) is now promoting the usage of alternative fuel vehicle (AFV). A key success factor of this policy is the people's belief toward to AFV promoting policy. By drawing on theory of planed behavior, this study examines the relationship between the people's beliefs regarding four policies, including 'economic incentive', 'traffic management', 'motor vehicles administration' and 'infrastructure construction', and usage intention of AFV. 1,314 effective samples (668 autos, 644 motorcycles) are collected to verify the reliability and validity of the measurement instrument and correlation between constructs. The results show that the people's beliefs regarding 'economic incentive' and 'infrastructure construction' are positive to usage intention of AFV. We believe that the results of this study could provide valuable information to promote the policy of AFV usage in Taiwan.
起訖頁 141-171
關鍵詞 政策信念替代能源車輛計畫行為理論結構方程模式Policy beliefAlternative fuel vehicleTheory of planned behaviorStructure equation modeling
刊名 運輸學刊  
期數 201406 (26:2期)
出版單位 中華民國運輸學會
該期刊-下一篇 考量競爭行為下航空公司班表規劃之研究




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