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Making the Medieval Less Foreign: Expanding Worldviews in Taiwan Classrooms
作者 王明月
Fostering multiple perspectives and increasing levels of intercultural communication competence (ICCC) are two essential expectations of global learning. This paper discusses a curriculum developed to make innovative use of collaborative digital technologies - distance-learning, e-learning, virtual classrooms, internet resources, collaborative blogs, on-line chat-room - as part of activity-based internet-assisted courses on 'medieval civilization' to foster intercultural competences among students in Taiwan classrooms. Through digital technology, intermediality has become part of the global phenomenon that has the ability to link cultural communities in cyberspace. The paper explores the development of such a curriculum at National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, R. O. C., in a course entitled 'Understanding Medieval Images' and presents evidence to demonstrate how the course integrated literature, art history, and current events to broaden the global perspectives of the students enrolled in the class. The paper argues how such cross-cultural connections can foster greater political understanding, ethical awareness, and intercultural competencies in order to bring about improved international and social relations for emerging global citizens.全球學習主要有兩項標的:一則是培育學子多元化的視角,一則是強化其跨文化溝通的競爭力(ICCC)。本篇論文就中正大學西洋中世紀研究中心教師所教授的一門大學部外文系選修課程「中世紀圖像賞析」,說明多媒體教學,例如遠距教學、線上學習、網路課程、網際資料、部落格、以及線上討論區等數位教學法,提升學子全球學習能力的成效與可能的困境。藉由數位學習科技的輔助,全球不同文化的族群深入多元媒體網路世界相互交流競爭已是不容小覷的事實。西洋中世紀是西方文化孕育成長時期,舉凡文學、哲學、歷史等概念,皆源自這個時代。本論文主張跨文化、跨領域的「西洋中世紀研究」(Medieval Studies)課程學習,學員將對西方文化背景有更正確、更深入的了解,並藉由此項認識,明白當代文化演變的肇因與其發展的過程。透過跨文學、藝術、歷史、宗教、政治等議題的多元文化認識及利用數位學習,可以擴大台灣學生認識當代全球相關議題的視野,進而培育其政治的敏銳度、道德感、及跨文化溝通的競爭力(ICCC),來日成為具有多元文化潛力的世界公民。
起訖頁 101-119
關鍵詞 跨媒體性跨文化溝通能力多媒體教學與研究西洋中世紀藝術史西洋中世紀文學漫畫電視政論節目現場直播政治反諷秀IntermedialityIntercultural communicationThe use of hypermedia technologies in teaching and scholarshipMedieval art historyMedieval English literatureCartoons and satireLive TV shows
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 201001 (6期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 「哈姆雷特」中的鬼魂和文字
該期刊-下一篇 中英文可數與不可數對比




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