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Some Observations of Character Education at a Church Summer English Camp
作者 陳瑞卿
This paper mainly analyzes my observations of how Dr. Connie Palm, one the missionaries from Palm Beach Chinese Christian Chapel, integrated character education and Christian education into her low-level English class at a summer English camp held by Bread of Life Christian Church in Yuanlin Township. Dr. Palm like the other missionaries endeavored to preach God's Gospel, love and grace in her English class. However, the parents of most of the nine boys at the day-care center of this church that Dr. Palm taught are not Christians but believe in Taiwanese folklore religion. Influenced by their parents, these non-Christian boys sometimes refused to learn Christian instructions, so there was the religious barrier coming up in class. This barrier also led to the phenomenon, only three of the boys attending the presentation at the coming Sunday congregation. Moreover, most of the nine boys were the most mischievous children at the day-care center, so Dr. Palm had to tackle the active boys by means of her wisdom and lot of energies. Considering Dr. Palm's physical condition, aged nearly eighty, she could not move flexibly in the narrow classroom whenever there were any activities, but she was really an enthusiastic teacher. Besides the age gap between the doctor and the boys, the cultural barrier made it difficult for them to mutually discuss the issue of popular culture prevalent among American and Taiwanese children. These obstacles more or less hindered her from teaching English smoothly. Nevertheless, that Dr. Palm with great patience repeatedly taught the boys the same English sentence drill led to the fruitful result of that wonderful rehearsal of the Sunday presentation. As each morning class at the summer camp was divided into two gatherings of big class that Mommy Gus, Rev. Jeanne Schwartz, and her interpreter were in charge of and one small class respectively, this paper also analyzes Mommy Gus's pedagogy. Thus, this paper briefly surveys the theoretical pedagogy of character education and Christian education first. Then, it discusses the unique pedagogy that Mommy Gus used. Afterwards, how Dr. Palm arranged her English class is fully investigated so that the result of nine boys' performance can be overall evaluated.本文主要分析棕櫚華人基督會傳教士龐康妮博士如何融合品德教育及基督教教育來傳授員林靈糧堂夏令營學童入門英語。在授課過程中,龐博士與同行傳教士皆極力宣揚上帝福音、愛及恩典。然而,龐博士教授的九名教會安親班男童父母大多數為台灣民間風俗宗教信仰者而非基督徒;受其父母影響,這些非信仰基督教的學童有時拒絕學習基督教教義,因而在課上顯現出宗教障礙。此障礙亦導致該週日作禮拜時,只有三名男童參加成果發表會。再者,這九名男童大多數是安親班裏最調皮的孩子,龐博士必須運用其個人智慧及大量精力來應付這群活潑學童。博士雖為熱心教師,但她年近八十高齡身軀無法在狹窄的教室裡靈活移動,來進行任何活動。除年齡差距外,文化障礙亦使博士及學童們無法深入探討在美國及台灣孩子間彼此流行的通俗文化。這些障礙或多或少妨礙到她的教學。雖則如此,博士極富耐心地反覆教授男童們練習相同的英語句型,因而造就了那場令人驚嘆的週日成果發表會排練的成功。基於夏令營每日上午課程分別由格斯媽媽(石晶蘆牧師)及其口譯所負責的兩場大形集會和每班個別教學,本文亦分析了格斯媽媽的教學法。據此,本文首先探討品德教育及基督教教育之理論教學法,接著討論格斯媽媽獨特的教學法,最後全面性探討龐博士如何安排其英語課程,以便對這九名男童學習成效作為總評。
起訖頁 89-101
關鍵詞 品德教育基督教教育兒童英語教育Character educationChristian educationChildren's English education
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200901 (4期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
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該期刊-下一篇 商管國際期刊摘要學術用字之比較研究




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