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英語文暨口筆譯學集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Second Language Acquisition of the Monomorphemic Ziji by Adult English Speakers
作者 江丕賢
This study reports a native non-native divergence in the interpretation of monomorphemic ziji between native Chinese speakers and adult English speakers of L2 Chinese. It is found that while monomorphemic ziji can be locally and long-distantly bound in native speakers' grammar, it cannot be locally bound in L2 learners' grammar. The divergence exists at early stages of learning and persists through later stages. It is argued that the divergence may be an effect of inaccessibility of some critical period-associated functional features (Hawkins and Chan 1997) and what appears to be a parameter resetting scenario could be in fact an adjustment of L2 setting to match with the L1 setting; monomorphemic ziji may have been misanalysed as pronouns in English.這個研究測試英文為母語人士對於學習中文的單一詞素”自己”的參數重設理論的闡述。根據學習者自身的研究結果指出;當母語人士的單一詞素”自己”文法是可以被放置在本位子句中或是他位子句中時,中文學習者卻無法學會單一詞素”自己”可以被放置在本位子句中。這樣的歧異性存在於從早期學習與定型期至稍後階段。中文的單一詞素”自己”被誤判為英文中的代名詞。研究結果是和Hawkins和Chan在1997所提出的:部分功能性語言特徵的參數是無法重設並和母語設定一致的論點。
起訖頁 45-58
關鍵詞 單一詞素多重詞素BindingMonomorphemicPolymorphemicUGPartial access
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200807 (3期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 兒童文學:課程設計與省思
該期刊-下一篇 文體類型對台灣國小五年級學童英文閱讀理解之影響




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