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Representation of the Other in Catharine Trotter's Revolution of Sweden
作者 鍾淑華
This paper aims to explore the conflict between the invader and the invaded in The Revolution of Sweden (1706) by Catharine Trotter (c.1674-1749). Taking the theory on the Other by the French phenomenologist Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1996) as a critique, I would like to discuss the tension and power between the Self and the Other resulting from ethnic differences. In this paper, I will argue that the conflict between the Self and the Other can be terminated only when the Self relinquish their prejudice towards the Other and tolerate the Other's differences. In The Revolution of Sweden, Trotter depicts the conflict between the invader the Danes and the invaded the Swedes. The female playwright's concern with political issues is evident, for two of her best known philosophical essays Defense of Mr. Locke's Essay on Human Understanding (1702) and Vindication of Mr. Locke's Christian Principles (1727) support the ideals of John Locke (1632-1704). In the play, Trotter proposes a political philosophy similar to Locke's political theory in Two Treatises of Government (1690) which is formulated in the late seventeenth century, partially in order to justify the deposing of James II and subsequently to limit the power of the monarchy. Among a multiple of plays of the period supporting the contract theory, The Revolution of Sweden is unique in exposing this complex political argument to a female character Constantia who is like Christina, regarded as the Other by the Danes in the ethnic struggle. The description of Constantia and Christina's involvement in affairs of state is a challenge to Trotter, and the creation of Cristina as the only cross-dressed character in her drama is another exploit on the ground that the transvestite woman is viewed as an unconventional one within the patriarchal society.此篇論文旨在探討凱薩琳‧托洛特(c. 1674-1749)的《瑞典革命》(1706)劇中的侵略者與被侵略者之間的衝突。以法國現象學家雷威那(1905-1996)的「他者」理論為批評方法,我想討論因國族差異所造成的「自我」與「他者」之間的張力與權力。在這篇論文中,我將證明,只有「自我」摒棄對「他者」的偏見和包容「他者」的差異性,「自我」與「他者」之間的衝突才能終結。在《瑞典革命》劇中,托洛特描繪侵略者丹麥人與被侵略者瑞典人的爭鬥。女劇作家關注政治議題顯而易見,因為其兩篇最著名的論文《辯護洛克先生的人類悟性論》(1702)和《擁護洛克先生的基督教義》(1727)支持洛克(1632-1704)的理念。在這齣劇中,托洛特提出的政治哲學和洛克的《兩篇政府論》(1690)之中的政治哲學相似,洛克的政治哲學在十七世紀末,特別為了廢除詹姆士二世和限制君權而明確陳述。在此時期許多支持契約論的戲劇中,《瑞典革命》獨一無二地揭開女性角色康絲坦蒂雅的政治論述,她像克莉絲玎娜一樣,在國家間的爭鬥中被丹麥人視為「他者」。描寫康絲坦蒂雅和克莉絲玎娜涉足政治對托洛特是一項挑戰,而塑造克莉絲玎娜為劇中唯一的變裝角色則是另一項偉業,因為變裝的女性在父權社會中被視為不合乎傳統的女人。
起訖頁 217-232
關鍵詞 自我他者侵略者被侵略者衝突國族差異The selfThe otherThe invaderThe invadedConflictEthnic differences
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200801 (2期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 後設認知策略教學對科技英文之閱讀理解成效
該期刊-下一篇 評「英語教育學」




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