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英語文暨口筆譯學集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Applying Schema Theory to the Teaching of Reading
作者 黃碧珠
The schema perspective for EFL reading has been generally recognized, particularly the significant roles that content as well as formal schemata play during the process of reading. However, successful reading comprehension depends not only on ones' ability to employ adequate content and formal schemata, but also on awareness of the monitoring process and thereby taking appropriate strategic actions. The strategy schema serves as a strategy resource and then manipulates the monitoring acts as well as strategy use. That is, strategy schema is also essential to reading comprehension. This paper thus begins with literature review on schema-theory based research in ESL/EFL reading, and then discusses in detail the notion of strategy schema. Based upon the schema theory, a reading instruction model is suggested within which background knowledge activation and comprehension monitoring would be the main concern.基模模式的英文閱讀已被廣泛認同,特別是內容基模與文章結構基模在閱讀理解的過程中扮演著重要的角色。然而,成功的閱讀理解不僅需靠閱讀者適當的應用內容與文章結構基模,更需依賴閱讀者監控以及採取適當的策略。也就是說策略基模在閱讀過程中,也是不可或缺的。本文因此先探討文獻中以基模理論為基礎的英文閱讀教學以及策略基模的寓含,再提出以活用背景知識,以及監控閱讀過程為主要考量的閱讀指導模式。
起訖頁 169-183
關鍵詞 基模策略基模後設認知SchemaStrategy schemaMetacognition
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200801 (2期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 英語學習者之詞彙推論策略使用
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