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Vocabulary Learning Strategies for University English Majors in Taiwan
作者 平為民
This study investigates language-learning strategies relevant to vocabulary learning for second year English majors at a university in central Taiwan. Exploration for the present study is motivated by the author's preliminary research for the present 38 subjects in their second semester of their prior year of university study, in which two vocabulary instruments exposed active and passive vocabulary deficiencies. The present study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to determine what are the vocabulary learning strategies used by the learners discussed above, the learners divided into higher performance (HP) and lower performance (LP) groups based on prior semester reading test scores on the high-intermediate General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), followed by the present strategy research in their subsequent semester as English majors at a university in Taiwan. The quantitative measure for this vocabulary learning strategy investigation utilizes Liao's (2000) Chinese-version SILL, based on Oxford's (1990) original English version Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), ESL/EFL Version 7.0, for self-reporting learner styles. Triangulation of these results is pursued through implementation of one hour small group retrospective interviews of three students each, following O'Malley and Chamot's interview research design (1990).本研究調查中台灣某大學英語系二年級學生在字彙學習方面的語言學習策略。研究對象共38位,筆者在他們大一下學期時,對他們進行初步檢測。研究顯示,兩項字彙工具主動和被動方面的字彙不足,因而在他們大二上學期時進行本次的策略研究。本研究使用量化及質化方法試圖瞭解他們的語言學習策略。筆者根據他們大一下學期之全民英檢中高級閱讀測驗所得分數,將他們分為程度較高組(higher performance,HP)與程度較低組(lower performance,LP)。在字彙學習策略的量化研究方法方面,筆者採用廖的中文版SILL (2000)。此版本是以Oxford(1990)的語言學習策略問卷,ESL/EFL 7.0版,目的是對學習者的特性進行自評。本研究採用O’Malley以及Chamot的面談研究設計,利用小組回溯方式,訪談三位學生,時間各為一小時,之後再以三角分割的方式分析這些結果。
起訖頁 23-49
關鍵詞 ESLEFLStrategy inventory for language learning英語系字彙學習策略量化研究
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200801 (2期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 英語語言與文化教學的五個課題
該期刊-下一篇 歌曲於外語教學之運用:理論與實務探討




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