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英語文暨口筆譯學集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Contrastive Translation Theories: Peter Newmark's 'Emphasis on Source Language' and 'Emphasis on Target Language' versus Basil Hatim's 'Through-Argumentation' and 'Counter-Argumentation'
作者 張水木
In real language use and practical translation process both Peter Newmark's theory and Basil Hatim's theory refer the translation to different translation methods, in which Peter Newmark's 'emphasis on source language'and 'emphasis on target language'are more popular as Basil Hatim's 'through argumentation'and 'counter argumentation.' And these two different translation theories have developed prospectively for long time although some translators did not know them in detail. Peter Newmark's 'emphasis on source language' includes Word-for-Word Translation, Literal Translation, Faithful Translation, and Semantic translation as well as his 'emphasis on target language'includes Adaptation, Free Translation, Idiomatic Translation, and Communicative Translation. In the similar process, Basil Hatim pointed out 'the balance argument', 'through claim', 'counter claim' in his 'through argumentation'and 'the lopsided argument', 'counter proposition'in his 'counter argumentation.'Therefore, Peter Newmark's translation theory and Basil Hatim's translation theory can be compared with each other for usage strategy and optional orientation. Basil Hatim and Peter Newmark have been regarded as outstanding scholars and their translation theories are more acceptable. Therefore, the great influences from Peter Newmark and Basil Hatim as well as their valuable contribution will be significant forever and the integration of their translation theories will be a good way for translation development.著名翻譯學者比得.紐馬克(Peter Newmark)和巴賽.哈丁(Basil Hatim)不但在翻譯理論同享盛名,而且在翻譯影響舉足輕重,其中比得.紐馬克所提出的「強調源出語」(Emphasis on Source Language)及「強調目標語」(Emphasis on Target Language)的翻譯理論指引了翻譯者先馳得點的翻譯選向思維,包含「強調源出語」當中的「字對字翻譯」(word-for-word translation)、「直譯」(literal translation)、「忠實翻譯」(faithful translation)及「語意翻譯」(semantic translation)以及包含「強調目標語」當中的「編譯」(adaptation)、「意譯」(free translation)、「慣用語翻譯」(idiomatic translation)及「溝通翻譯」(communicative translation);而巴賽.哈丁所提出的「正向辯論」(Through Argumentation)及「反向辯論」(Counter Argumentation)則指引翻譯者登堂入室的翻譯選向抉擇,包含「正向辯論」當中的「平衡爭論」(balance argument)、「正向主張」(through claim)、「反向主張」(counter claim)以及「反向辯論」當中的「偏重爭論」(lopsided argument)、「反向提議」(counter proposition)。可謂兩位學者之論述都既深入淺出又體大思精,實屬影響深遠。
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 對比翻譯強調源語譯語區分正辯反辯Peter NewmarkBasil Hatim
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200801 (2期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 英語語言與文化教學的五個課題




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