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英語文暨口筆譯學集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Difficulties in English-Chinese Translation: An Analysis from the Perspective of Contrastive Grammar
作者 黃春騰
語言學界認為中文是一種主旨語突顯(Topic-prominent)及具有篇章取向(Discourse-oriented)之語言;而英文則為一種主詞突顯(Subject-prominent)及具有句子取向(Sentence-oriented)的語言。此兩種語言在語法上之明顯差異形成在翻譯時之特定的一些困難。本文以Li & Thompson(1976,1982)的主旨鍊觀念和衍生語法(Generative Linguistics)之理論為基礎架構,舉一些常見的中英文句子為例,對其進行比對、分析、並說明其在語法方面的這些重大差異。旨在探討在英譯中時,因這些差異所可能產生的特定困難之所在,以及造成困難之原因。期待透過這些分析與了解而能夠在翻譯時,能更精確的掌握原文之語意,減少誤譯之可能,進而能以恰當的中文表達出來。文中指出人類大腦工作記憶之限制、中文之篇章結構取向、以及其語序之左分支等現象是造成中文常需要將其語句主旨語化之主要原因。本文也分別舉例分析說明,這兩種語言的其他重要差異與造成翻譯困難之原因。Chinese is known as a topic-prominent or discourse-oriented language compared with English, which is subject-prominent and sentence-oriented. Clusters of grammatical differences can be found between these two types of languages. For example, Chinese is a left-branching language while English is a right-branching language. In addition, such phenomena as the frequent use of the topicalized construction, the pro-drop phenomenon, the lack of tense-aspect marking on the verb of a tensed clause, the lack of relative and expletive pronouns, and the non-occurrence of move-α from the d-structure to the s-structure, etc. in Chinese, were demonstrated to show the direct contrast to the non-occurrence of such phenomena in the English language. Based on Li and Thompson's (1982) analysis of Chinese and the framework of Generative Linguistics, the purpose of this paper was aimed at identifying and analyzing these types of structures in Chinese against their equivalents in English, and at finding out and explaining in each case what causes the difficulty that occurs in the process of the English-Chinese translation. It is hoped that some difficulty in translation may be reduced due to these analyses and explanations. One of the major findings in this paper is that the limited capacity of our working memory, the left-branching nature of the Chinese NP (i.e. arguments) and VP (i.e. predicate) modifiers in a clause, and the discourse orientation are responsible for the frequent use of the topicalized construction in Chinese. Other differences between the two languages and difficulties in translation were also illustrated and explained with examples in this paper.
起訖頁 139-159
關鍵詞 比較語法英譯中翻譯困難中文語法特色
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200607 (1期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 從有聲思維與概念構圖談國小英語閱讀教學
該期刊-下一篇 如何教高中學生英詩?--以佛洛斯特的「雪夜林畔駐足」為例




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