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A Historical Study of Change Processes and Modes of Sports Administration Organizations and the Policy Role of the Central Government of The Republic of China (1911-2013)
作者 劉照金張俊一 (Chun-Yi Chang)邱金松
本研究目的為探討中華民國中央體育行政組織與政策角色之變遷過程(1911-2013),並歸納其組織與政策角色變遷之模式。本研究方法採用文獻分析法,並輔以歷史分析與組織變遷理論之探討,研究結果如下:中華民國中央體育行政組織變遷過程,自軍政時期(1911-1927)未設體育行政組織,經由教育部設立體育委員會(1928-1948)、國民體育委員會(1949-1972)及體育司(1973-1997),至1998年成立行政院體育委員會,以及2013年配合政府組織再造併入教育部之體育署,顯示體育行政組織提供政策變遷的配合環境,體育組織是政策變遷的結果,也是影響體育政策之主要因素。綜合上述中華民國體育行政組織與政策角色變遷之過程,顯示中央體育行政組織變遷,主要受到政策制定環境規範與國家政策需求的宰制,其變遷模式可歸類為符應國家政策、組織典範移轉、組織功能分化及政策工具調整等四種變遷模式,以回應當時的國家政策與社會需求。綜合結論,中華民國中央體育行政組織與政策角色之變遷,主要為適應其所處的制度環境,採取調整體育行政組織核心與邊陲、組織功能、組織典範及政策工具等方式符應國家政策與社會需求,此乃促成體育行政組織之變遷之主因。The objective of this study is to investigate change processes of sports administration organizations and the policies of the Central Government of the Republic of China (1911-2013). The study applies documentary analysis, and is supplemented by a historical analysis of events and a discussion concerning organizational change theory. The results were as follows: since the military era (1911-1927), the central sports administration organizational change process of ROC, lacked an established sports administrative organization; the Ministry of Education, Physical Education Committee was operational between 1928-1948 the National Physical Education Committee was operational between 1949-1972; the Department of Physical Education was operational between 1973-1997; and the Sports Council of the Executive Yuan, which established in 1998, merged with the Ministry of Education, Sports Administration in 2013 after changes initiated by the government. These changes illustrate the involvement of sport administration organizations in the development of policy. Further, the changes to sports organizations were the result of policy changes and were also the principal factors affecting sports policy. Taking these sports administrative organization and policy roles in the process of change, indicating the central sports administration organizational change of ROC, primarily due to the Specification of policy environmental and national policy requirements domination, the changes can be classified as echoing national policy, a paradigm shift, functional differentiation and policy adjustment, four modes of change in response to the prevailing national policies and social needs. In conclusion, the change processes of sport administration organizations and the policy role of the ROC involved adapting institutional environments, adjusting organizations at both their core and periphery, and changing organizational capabilities and policy functions to echo national policies and social demands. Ensuring the changes were in line with national policies and social needs were the main reasons behind instigating such changes.
起訖頁 1-48
關鍵詞 體育政策體育行政組織政策工具政策變遷Sport policysports administration organizationspolicy instrumentspolicy change
刊名 新竹教育大學人文社會學報  
期數 201409 (7:2期)
出版單位 清華大學竹師教育學院(原:新竹教育大學)
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