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中醫藥雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Textual Research for Latin Names and Medicinal Effects of Top Grade Drugs in Shennongbencaojing
作者 劉淑鈴郭昭麟謝明村
本文擬進行《神農本草經》本草考證,首以「上品藥」,將其分為植物、礦石、動物、魚貝、昆蟲及其他6 大類。並依中文名稱、英文拼音、學名、拉丁藥名、藥效、基原考證、使用情形等方式分別書寫。統計孫星衍、孫馮翼所輯上品藥收載有142 種藥物,其中135 種藥物基原已確定,126 種可藥用或食用。考證結果簡述如下:防葵基原曾被誤植。一物數名者:茺蔚子與益母草;赤箭與天麻;蘼蕪與芎藭;青蘘與胡麻;營實是野薔薇的果實;枸杞的根皮為地骨皮,果實為枸杞子;大麻幼嫩的果實為麻蕡。有名未用者:姑活、別羈、屈艸、淮木。現可藥用或食用者:菊華、人參、甘草、地黃、署預、薏苡仁、析蓂子、芎藭、黃耆、決明子、五味子、肉桂、枸杞子、茯苓、五加皮、酸棗仁、橘柚、藕實莖、大棗、葡萄、芡實、胡麻、瓜子、苦菜、雞、鱧魚、蜂蜜等。使用外殼者:牡蠣、海蛤、文蛤;牛黃取膽結石;鯉魚用膽汁;白膠、阿膠為鹿皮與驢皮;礦物類中丹沙已被禁用;發髲碳化物為罕用。Textual research for Shennongbencaojing was preceded in the study. The Top Grade Drugs in Shennongbencaojing were divided into 6 groups which were plant, mineral, animal, fish and shellfish, insect and other. Then the official botanical or zoological origin and pharmacological activities of them were studied. Each drug was arranged by order of formal Chinese name, pinyin, scientific name, common name, Latin name, pharmacological effects, other officinal medicinal origin and utilizing. The number of Top Grade Drugs in Sun’s edition was summed up to 142. There were 135 drugs of which their official medicinal origins were confirmed and approximately 126 drugs were edible or could be used for treatment. The result showed that: Some drugs might have different medicinal names by various used parts in ancient and modern times, such as: Fructus Leonuri v.s. Chinese motherwort, herb of Gastrodia elata v.s. Rhizoma Gastrodiae, herb of seedling of Ligusticum chuanxiong v.s. Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Fructus Rosae Multiflorae v.s. a species of rose of Rosa multiflora, seedling of Sesamum indicum v.s. sesame, Cortex Lycii Chinensis v.s. Fructus Lycii Chinensis, young tender fruit v.s. kernel or leaf (narcotics) of Cannabis sativa. Also, it was found that Fangku was ever misnamed; some herbs such as Guhuo, Bieji, Qucao and Huaimu could not be defined for lacking medicinal material source or having insubstantial medicinal purpose in the past dynasties. Some were usually used as medicines or foods now such as Chrysanthemum, Ginseng, Licorice root, Radix Rehmanniae Exsiccata, Nagaimo, Job's Tears, Field Penny-cress, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Radix Astragali Mongholici, Chinese Senna, Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, Rougui, Poria, Cortex Acanthopanacis Gracilistyli, Chinese date, Mandarin orange, Indian Lotus, Jujube, Grape Vine, Foxnut, Sesame, Winter melon, Sowthistle, Cock, Snakeheads Fish and Honey. For some drug items, their shells were used in medicine such as oyster and sea clam. Some used calculus from cattle, took bile from carp or used colloid extracted by long-hour cooking from leather of deer and donkey. Cinnabar, a mineral medicine, was listed in forbidden drugs. The human hair carbides were rarely used nowadays.
起訖頁 51-72
關鍵詞 小青龍湯牡丹酚桂皮酸桂皮醛甘草酸五味子酯A五味子素Hsiao-Ching-Lung-TangPaeoniflorinPaeonolCinnamic acidCinnamaldehydeGlycyrrhizinGomisin ASchizandrin
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201206 (23:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 翼莖粉藤之ISOCOUMARIN類抗發炎活性成分研究
該期刊-下一篇 輪班護士體質證候影響因素分析




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