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The Effect of Applying Cinnamon Aromatherapy for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
作者 陳惠明陳惠文
注意力缺失過動症在學齡兒童約3-9%,由於注意力無法適當集中,導致學習障礙,無法進一步發揮本身的長處,造成兒童自信心不足,進而影響人際關係,若無適當之治療介入,其影響將延續至青少年及成人,至目前為止,注意力缺失過動症的成因仍未有定論,故治療上也面臨了許多衝擊,一般來說,藥物治療、復健治療及行為治療是醫院可提供的方法,本研究是以復健治療輔以肉桂芳香療法,針對門診20名學齡前注意力缺失過動症患者進行6個月之追蹤治療,發現復健治療輔以肉桂芳香療法之患童,其兒童活動量表由126±6.4進步到102±5.8分,家長問卷表評估結果由76±6.6進步到58±2.6分,而單以復健治療者,其兒童活動量表只由128±4.6進步到110±7.2分,家長問卷表評估結果由75±3.4進步到64±5.8分,故不論在兒童活動量表或家長問卷表評估結果, 復健治療輔以肉桂芳香療法之患童進步程度皆較單以復健治療者高,且有統計意義之差別。芳香療法是安全又方便的治療方式,家長的接受度普遍高於一般之傳統藥物,且一般藥物治療建議用於學齡兒童,而芳香療法則不受年齡限制,值得進一步研究與推廣。Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are distracted easily, unable to sit still, overactive, lack of patience and concentration, and have short attention span. They can’t get along well with others and usually have learning disability and poor self-confidence. The traditional treatments of ADHD include medications, rehabilitation and behavior modification. The present study explored the combination effect of rehabilitation and cinnamon aromatherapy in twenty children with ADHD. After six months treatment, the SNAP-IV Questionnaire and child activity scales were 58 ±2.6 and 102±5.8 in experimental group, and 64±5.8 and 110±7.2 in control group. The SNAP-IV Questionnaire and child activity scale were significantly better in the experimental group than in the control group (p<0.05). Cinnamon aromatherapy is a safe and convenient method for children with ADHD. Aromatherapy also is more acceptable in children than traditional medical therapy.
起訖頁 27-34
關鍵詞 中醫辨證分型尿毒症血液透析智能障礙血清生化值Classical differential diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicineTCMUremiaHemodialysisIntelligent impairmentSerum biochemical parameters
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 200809 (19:1-2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 An Overview of Cochrane Reviews in Acupuncture
該期刊-下一篇 Anatomical Roots of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture




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