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Inhibitory Effects of Extracts from Vandellia Cordifolia on Tumor Cells Proliferation
作者 郭育綺林安邦李明潤周正仁范琪豔蔡維人
心葉母草(Vandellia cordifolia)在傳統中醫上用於治療發炎現象與癌症,在此研究中我們將之用於抗腫瘤活性分析。實驗中,我們由心葉母草乙醇抽出物中分離出五組成份,分別為VC-HE、VC-ME、VC-CH、VC-BU 與VC-W,並將之各別加入K562,Vero,Raji,Calu-1,HeLa,與Wish 等腫瘤細胞培養中,以放射線氚-胸嘧啶吸收法(3H-Thymidine Uptake)分析腫瘤細胞增生情形。結果顯示,VC-CH 能夠明顯抑制各腫瘤細胞增生並隨著藥物濃度增加而活性漸增,它對於抑制K562,Vero,Raji,Calu-1,HeLa,及Wish 細胞增生百分之五十作用濃度(IC50)分別為47.5 ± 9.7、40.0 ± 10.0、38.1 ± 8.4、51.3 ± 16.7、45.6 ± 7.1 及36.3 ± 5.0 mg/mL。此外,細胞週期分析結果顯示,VC-CH 可阻斷各腫瘤細胞株細胞週期進行於G0/G1 階段轉換至S 階段。因此我們認為,VC-CH 可藉由阻斷K562,Vero,Raji,Calu-1,HeLa,及Wish 等腫瘤細胞其細胞週期進行而抑制了各腫瘤細胞之增生,而在心葉母草中可能含有腫瘤細胞生長抑制因子。Vandellia cordifolia (V. cordifolia), used for the treatment of inflammation and cancer in traditional Chinese medicine was selected for antitumor activity test. Altogether, 5 fractions (VC-HE, VC-ME, VC-CH, VC-BU, and VC-W) were obtained from crude ethanolic extracts of V. cordifolia. Effects of VC-HE, VC-ME, VC-CH, VC-BU, and VC-W fractions on K562, Vero, Raji, Calu-1, HeLa, and Wish tumor cells proliferation were determined by the 3H-thymidine uptake method. The results indicated that the VC-CH fraction suppressed proliferation of the various tumor cells in a concentration dependent manner. The IC50 values of VC-CH on the K562, Raji, Wish, HeLa, Calu-1, and Vero tumor cell lines were 47.5 ± 9.7, 40.0 ± 10.0, 38.1 ± 8.4, 51.3 ± 16.7, 45.6 ± 7.1, and 36.3 ± 5.0 mg/mL, respectively. Cell cycle analysis indicated that VC-CH arrested the cell cycle progression of tumor cells at the G1 transition to the S phase. Thus, the suppressant effects of VC-CH on proliferation of various tumor cells appeared to be mediated, at least in part, through arresting cell cycle progression in the cells. Therefore, it is suggested that tumor cell growth inhibitors are contained in V. cordifolia.
起訖頁 163-174
關鍵詞 電針鎮痛ElectroacupunctureL-NAMEFosAnalgesia
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 200309 (14:3期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 龍葵水粗抽物對人類大腸癌細胞胺基乙醯轉移酵素活性的影響
該期刊-下一篇 吳茱萸湯促進鼷鼠對細胞色素P450 1A2 受質——咖啡因之排除




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