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Discussion and Examination of Continuing Volumes of Yuan Xiang qijiushiji, Two Other Manuscripts Housed at University of Chicago, and Related Materials
作者 張寶三
《沅湘耆舊詩集續編》一百六十三卷、《沅湘耆舊集補》二十一卷暨《沅湘耆舊集前編補》三卷等三種稿本,今存美國芝加哥大學東亞圖書館。此三種稿本乃對於清鄧顯鶴(1777-1851)所輯《沅湘耆舊集》及顯鶴之子鄧琮所輯《沅湘耆舊集前編》等二書之續編及補編。有關此三種稿本,前雖已嘗有漆永祥、弘征、周原等學者專家為文加以探討,然仍有諸多疑點,尚待釐清。本文即在前人之基礎上,對此三種稿本之相關資料及其所涉及之問題加以論考。全文除「前言」及「結論」外,分為「一、《沅湘耆舊詩集續編》等三種稿本概述」、「二、傅熊湘《鈍安脞錄》所載相關資料論考」、「三、倫明《辛亥以來藏書紀事詩》所載相關資料論考」、「四、稿本由周銑詒至李宗侗間之流傳痕跡考辨」等四節。經由本文所論,可考知傅熊湘《鈍安脞錄》與倫明《辛亥以來藏書紀事詩》間所述相關內容之關係及其異同,並可闡明羅汝懷、吳敏樹等人與《沅湘耆舊詩集續編》等三種稿本編輯之具體關係。此外,本文亦考辨此三種稿本由周銑詒至李宗侗間之流傳痕跡。凡此,或皆有助於讀者對此三種稿本之瞭解。'Continued Volumes of Yuan Xiang qijiushiji' (163 volumes), 'Supplements to Yuan Xiang qijiuji' (21 volumes), and 'Supplements to Yuan Xiang qijiuji qianbian' (3 volumes) are currently housed in the East Asian Library of the University of Chicago. These three manuscripts are the continuation of and supplements to the two well-known books: Yuan Xiang qijiuji, compiled by Qing scholar Deng Xianhe (1771-1851) and 'Yuan Xiang qijiuji qianbian', by his son, Deng Cong. Even though these manuscripts have been analyzed by critics such as Qi Yongxiang, Hung Cheng and Zhou Yuan, questions still remain. Based on those previous scholarly explorations, this article thus aims at providing further discussion and examination of these texts and other related materials. In addition to 'Introduction' and 'Conclusion,' it includes four other sections: 1) Introduction to 'Continuing Volumes of Yuan Xiang qijiushiji' and the other two manuscripts; 2) Discussion of related materials mentioned in Fu Xiongxiang's Dunan coulu; 3) Discussion of related materials mentioned in Lun Ming's 'Xinhai yilai cangshu jishishi'; and 4) Analysis of how these three manuscripts were passed down from Zhou Xianyi to Li Zongtong. Through these discussions, one may come to know the connections, similarities and differences between Fu 'Xiongxiang's Dunan coulu' and Lun Ming's 'Xinhai yilai cangshu jishishi'. Moreover, the discussions also confirm the roles of Qing scholars like Lo Juhuai and Wu Minshu in the editing and compilation of 'Continuing Volumes of Yuan Xiang qijiushiji' and the other two manuscripts. This paper, I believe, may help readers acquire an in-depth understanding of these three manuscripts.
起訖頁 177-210
關鍵詞 芝加哥大學東亞圖書館沅湘耆舊詩集續編郭嵩燾周銑詒傅熊湘倫明East Asian Library of the University of ChicagoContinuing Volumes of Yuan Xiang qijiushijiGuo SongtaoZhou XianyiFu XiongxiangLun Ming
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201203 (40期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 文人的學術參與--「復堂日記」所見譚獻的學術評論




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