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中國文哲研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Encounter between Chinese and Western Ethics in the Late Ming Dynasty: From The Nicomachean Ethics to Alfonso Vagnone's The Western Study of Personal Cultivation
作者 梅謙立
本文試圖揭示晚明中國倫理思想與西方倫理學的首次相遇,這次相遇在當時中國產生了一本極富創造性的作品——《脩身西學》。此書為義大利耶穌會士高一志所著,由他與居住山西的十幾位士人合作完成。本書大約在一六三七至一六三九年間面世。這裏要考察《脩身西學》的西方思想來源問題,該書內容主要來自三部西方倫理學著作:古希臘的《尼各馬可倫理學》、中世紀的《神學大全》和文藝復興時期的一部亞里斯多德倫理學評論。本文通過對其中具體章節內容的分析,考察《脩身西學》與這三部著作的關係。在過程中,本文也會探討《脩身西學》如何在儒家倫理學的背景之下展示西方倫理學的特色。We shall present here the first encounter between Chinese ethics and Western ethics during the Ming dynasty. This encounter produced at that time in China a very creative work, The Western Study of Personal Cultivation (Xiushen xixue). This work was authored by the Italian Jesuit Alfonso Vagnone, in collaboration with some ten scholars residing in Shanxi province, and was published in the years 1637-1639. We shall investigate the Western sources of the Xiushen xixue, which can be mostly found in three works: The Nicomachean Ethics, the Summa Theologica and a Renaissance commentary on Aristotelian ethics. By analyzing the content of the Xiushen xixue chapter by chapter, we shall show its connection with these three works. Along the way, we shall discuss how the Xiushen xixue expresses the specificity of Western ethics against the background of Confucian ethics.
起訖頁 103-145
關鍵詞 亞里斯多德倫理學士林倫理學儒家倫理學晚明天主教山西士人耶穌會士Aristotelian ethicsScholastic ethicsConfucian ethicsLate-Ming CatholicismScholars in Shanxi provinceJesuits
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201109 (39期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「磈壘怎消醫怎識,惟將痛苦付汍瀾」--吳偉業、黃周星劇作中之「存在」焦慮與自我救贖
該期刊-下一篇 陳奐及「詩毛氏傳疏」的評論與傳播




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