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中國文哲研究集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Familial Connections and Relationships between Yu Yiao, Yang Fangcan, Gu Han, and Ding Shaoyi
作者 林玫儀
作家親族、群體關係之釐清,是當前文學社會學研究的新方向。過去有關作家背景之研究,往往只重視作家本身之生平與際遇,甚少全面查考其家族。想深入探討作家之內心世界,了解其親友關係是不可或缺之條件。蓋人無法離群索居,一生中的重大事件,往往亦見於親人或友朋之記載,此等材料具有互補或作為佐證之價值;而作品涉及的人物或是互相酬唱的情形,若不考察其人與作者之關係,亦難以深入體會其中情感之深淺。故作家研究應兼從家族及友朋的角度著眼,方能見其全貌。本文以清末余、楊、顧、丁四家族及其互動關係為主要研究目標,四家因多重聯姻而關係緊密,而四大家族之關係得以連結的關鍵人物,乃是余一鼇。余氏為清末詞人,其遺作零落,罕為人知。筆者經過十餘年之蒐集與整理,覓得詩集、詞集之鈔本、稿本共二十餘種,另有余氏〈生傳〉及〈遺囑〉等資料,遂使相關研究得以全面開展。余氏畢生蒐羅出版親族遺作不遺餘力。在整理過程中,留下頗多註記,透過此等文獻之連結,其親族關係方得以釐清。本文更綜合諸家作品中之互動訊息及宗譜、墓誌銘、地方志等資料,披沙揀金,建構余、楊、顧、丁四家之親屬網絡,以作為深入研讀諸家作品之基礎。期盼本文的論點,乃至研究方法與資料運用等,對詞學相關研究能有促進的作用。Explorations into writers' families and communities shed important new light on the works and the writers' inner selves. Traditional biographical studies, however, are concerned mostly with the details of the writers' lives, and seldom delve into the spectrum of their families and communities. No man is an island entire of itself-one's experiences and momentous life events are often represented in the words of one's friends and families. These materials enrich our understanding of the works, the inner life of the writer, and the outer world, and should be brought into consideration in any attempt at a comprehensive account. This paper examines the familial connections and relationships between the Yu, Yang, Gu, and Ding families of the late Qing period. I will demonstrate that these four families constituted a tight network in which Yu Yiao was a centripetal figure. Yu was a late-Qing ci poet whose works are not generally available. For many years, I have labored to collect Yu's writings, and some twenty, hitherto unexamined, manuscripts of his shi and ci poetry, among other biographical materials, are now in my collection. Taken together, these materials allow me to conduct a comprehensive study of the connections and relationships between the Yu, Yang, Gu, and Ding families, which in turn will hopefully break new ground in ci studies.
起訖頁 95-170
關鍵詞 清詞晚清詞家詞學文獻家族研究文學社會學Qing ciLate Qing ci familiesSources of ci studiesFamily researchLiterature sociology余一鼇楊芳燦顧翰丁紹儀
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201103 (38期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 人、天、魔--「女仙外史」中的歷史缺憾與「她」界想像
該期刊-下一篇 從品鑑到借鑑--葉德輝輯刻「山公啟事」與閱讀




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