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On Jingshi Yizhuan (in three volumes), and Jing Fang's Theory of the Liuri Qifen
作者 郜積意
今三卷本《京氏易傳》的卦序是八宮卦,其內容包括二十八宿入卦、月日入卦,五行入卦等。在二十八宿入卦上,世爻位即是入卦位,且世爻的干支同於飛爻的干支。在月日入卦上,則以建候積算為表徵。建始之例,據間八而成,故《京傳》原文「建起戊寅至癸未」當誤,坎卦應「建起癸未至戊子」。在五行入卦上,除八卦本象外,應注意五行分象問題,五行分象,是以建算、飛伏、互體、世應為主。文章還討論了《漢書.京房傳》中的六日七分說,雖然六日七分的卦序與八宮卦序不同,但二者之間可能存在著某種關聯。In the Jingshi Yizhuan, the order of the hexagrams follows the Eight Palace hexagrams, and presents the 28 Chinese lunar mansions (xiu), month and day hexagrams, and the five elements. The positions of the 28 Chinese xiu are expressed by the shi yao ('world lines') positions of the Eight Trigrams; the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches used in the shi yao are the same as the fei yao ('flying lines'). For the months and days, jianhou and jisuan are the carriers. The original text stating that 'Jian starts from Wu-Yin to Gui-Wei' in the Jingshi Yizhuan is wrong; the kan hexagram should read, 'starting from Gui-Wei to Wu-Zi,' because jian is the start of a style formed by a principle of alternation of eight stem and branch combinations. As for the five elements, we should notice they are often presented by images in several interpretative systems, mainly jiansuan, feifu, huti and shiying, besides the original significance of the eight trigrams. This paper also discusses the theory of the six days and seven parts (liuri qifen) in the 'Jing Fang' biographical chapter of the Han shu. There may be some relationship between them, although the order of the hexagrams according to the theory of the liuri qifen is different from the Eight Palace hexagrams.
起訖頁 205-251
關鍵詞 京房京氏易傳八宮卦六日七分Jing FangJingshi YizhuanEight palace hexagramsLiuri qifenSix days and seven parts
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200809 (33期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 藥地愚者禪學思想蠡探--從「眾藝五明」到「俱鎔一味」
該期刊-下一篇 文學歷史的闡釋與文學經典的建構




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