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A Critical Discussion of Chen Li's Han ru tongyi
作者 曹美秀
本文從兩個角度討論《漢儒通義》,一者,此書在陳澧學術生命中的意義;二者,將之置於清代學術發展的脈絡中,予之以評價與定位。關於第一點,筆者以為《漢儒通義》為陳澧融治學與教學為一的成果,並可作為探討陳澧思想之憑藉,今人論陳澧多將焦點集中於《東塾讀書記》做法,應作調整。關於第二點,筆者以為《漢儒通義》受今人批評的不成系統及附會宋儒之缺失,如果配合陳澧的成學歷程、自任之學術使命,則可以對之有同情之理解。再將之置於乾、嘉以來的學術發展脈絡來看,則《漢儒通義》一書,表現了乾、嘉以來破除漢、宋門戶之觀念的深化與發展。This study discusses two aspects of the book Han ru tongyi: first, in terms of its significance in Chen Li's academic life, and second, its place in the train of academic development during the Qing Dynasty. In terms of the first point, through the Han ru tongyi, Chen Li combined his teaching with his research, and so it can provide an indication of his thought. Thus, the modern scholarly discussion of Chen Li that concentrates solely on his Dongshu dushu ji should be reconsidered. On the second point, Han ru tongyi was criticized for its supposed faults of lacking systematic form and drawing wrong conclusions by false analogy from Song Learning. But if we consider Chen Li's course of studies, and the mission he undertook, we can view him from a more sympathetic viewpoint. Considered in terms of the train of academic development beginning in the Qianlong and Jiaqing reign periods, Han ru tongyi shows the promotion and development of the idea of opening the door to Han-Song learning.
起訖頁 267-306
關鍵詞 陳澧漢宋學晚清漢儒通義Chen LiHan-Song learningLate QingHan ru tongyi
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200703 (30期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 西學之子--容閎與新島襄的異國經驗與文化認同
該期刊-下一篇 復原與發明--竹添光鴻「論語會箋」之注經途徑兼論其於日本漢學發展史上之意義




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