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Critical Interpretation and Subtle Meaning: Two Aspects of the Classics Studies of Song Xiangfeng
作者 蔡長林
討論宋翔鳳的學術經說,可以從常州學派的學術序列來進行,也可以從以《公羊》學通釋群經的角度來觀察。不過這些在作者看來,都無法有效說明宋翔鳳的學術性格及其在晚清今文學的學術傳衍中所應有的地位。本文嘗試提出兩個新的觀察視角,其一指出宋翔鳳在晚清今文學傳播擴散中所扮演的關鍵性角色;其二指出其融外家微言大義之說於考據語境的治學風格,在常州學派與漢學考據之問所產生學術「對話」的意義,用以說明在考據學風潮的推波助瀾之下,學術整合實為必經之趨勢。也為漢學與宋學從乾嘉以來的「漢宋之爭」轉變成嘉道以後「漢宋兼采」的關係,作一註腳。The work of Song Xiangfeng can be discussed as part of Changzhou scholarship, and it can also be considered from the standpoint of studies on the Gongyang commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals. However, it appears that neither of these is sufficient to explain the characteristics of Song Xiangfeng's scholarship or his place in the tradition of new text studies of the late Qing. This paper will put forth two new viewpoints. The first is a discussion of the key role of Song Xiangfeng in the transmission and dissemination of late Qing new text scholarship. The second is to use the concept of weiyan dayi (subtle language and profound meaning) to examine the characteristics of this linguistic context, and the way in which it opened up a scholarly debate in the Changzhou school's Han Learning textual criticism. This will permit a more complete consideration of this important direction in scholarship, and it will also add to our understanding of the rapprochement that was achieved in the debate between Han and Song Learning following the Qianjia reign period.
起訖頁 237-275
關鍵詞 常州學派科舉漢學考據微言大義Changzhou schoolImperial examinationHan learningTextual criticismWeiyan dayi
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200609 (29期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論象數詮「易」的效用與限制




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