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'Governing the Psyche' and the Biologized Ethical Subject: The Case of Du Yaquan and Dongfang Magazine, 1911-1923
作者 劉紀蕙
本文提出的問題是:在現代中文脈絡中的主體意識為何是架構於生理化的國家意識與民族情感,而且呈現出具有倫理修辭的「心的治理」論述。本文指出,此生理化的倫理主體結構,在現代化脈絡中知識系統混和輸入而大眾化的過程中被鞏固。本文以主編《東方雜誌》十二年的杜亞泉,作為一個代表性的例子,探討此「心的治理」議題。本文從杜亞泉具有生理化史觀的文化停滯說展開,鋪陳出杜亞泉提出「心的進化」之必要性,然後從心的進化與社會病理學銜接到知識的製造工程與心的治理,以及具有生物政治的倫理觀。上述這幾股論述相互扣連,透過杜亞泉而彙整,結合了英美社會達爾文主義以及發展心理學所提出的心理統整與教育管理機制,以及德國佛朗都提出的國家生理學論點,而反映出了當時的文化論述光譜。本文並由此處切入,深究倫理問題的雙面性,以回應當代政治哲學所觸及的主體化過程、內在性主義以及倫理問題。This paper poses a question: Why is the process of subjectivation in modern China framed by biological nationalism and constructed with the ethical discourse of 'governing the psyche'? It points out that in the syncretism of the modernizing and popularizing discourses of national organism, social Darwinism, moral evolution, eugenics, and ethics that took place at the beginning of the twentieth century in China, we see that a technology of psyche, or rather, of subject, had been formed. In this mode of discourse, the nation is viewed as a body in an ethical space, a biologized and moral totality, while each individual is organically connected, as limbs to the body, to partake in the same ethical point of view of the community. In such logic, the 'small I' disappears and the will of the 'big I,' the Nation or Society, dominates. This paper takes Du Yaquan as a representative example. Du published more than 200 articles in Dongfang Magazine from 1911 to 1923. The resources he drew upon included the works and ideas of people like Henry Drumont, Peter Alexeivich Kropokin, James Mark Baldwin, Lester F. Ward, Jean Lamarck, and Gustav Adolph Constantin Frantz. Phrases such as 'the disease of the society,' 'the poor blood of Chinese people,' the 'social fungi and germs to be cleansed,' and 'the evolution of the heart through education,' all indicate Du Yaquan's abhorrence of the weak and morbid state of the society and his eagerness for the evolution of the psyche. He stressed that the strengthened 'force of heart' (xinli) could save the nation. For him, nation and society are conceived as an organic body, while the citizen was firmly connected to the nation in an organic way, as the limbs following the command of the head.
起訖頁 85-121
關鍵詞 現代性倫理主體國家主義文化翻譯社會進化論心的進化ModernityEthical subjectNationalismCultural translationSocial evolutionEvolution of psyche
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200609 (29期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 旅行、獵奇與考古--「滇黔土司婚禮記」中的禮學世界
該期刊-下一篇 從出土簡帛文獻看戰國楚道家的道論及其相關問題--以帛書〈道原〉、〈太一生水〉與〈亙先〉為核心




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