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Zhu Yixin and Kang Youwei: A Discussion Centering on Problems about Classical Studies
作者 曹美秀
康有為與朱一新交往時間雖不長,卻是康氏宣揚其今文學理論的重要段落,但今人不是未加注意,就是有所誤解,其關鍵在於受康氏歷史上的名聲及後人研究成果所限。本文試圖回溯朱、康二人所處的時代,並予朱氏以獨立的位置,釐清朱氏的學術觀點,再以此為基礎,討論二人辯論之意義,以見康氏當時乃以未崛起的後輩,就教於已頗具聲望的朱一新,而朱氏雖對康氏的今文學觀點頗致批評,卻是立足於宋學而非古文學立場。就其一主宋學,一主西漢的學術典範來看,朱、康之論,以漢、宋之爭視之,應較恰當。此為吾人思索晚清學術史問題,提供另一個思考的方向。Even though the period of Kang Youwei's association with Zhu Yixin was not long, it was an important time for Kang. It was during that time that he advocated his theory of New Text Confucianism. But this fact has been neglected and misunderstood by modern scholars, whose viewpoints have generally been limited by Kang's great fame. In this paper, I more closely examine the relationship between Zhu and Kang and the time in which they lived in order to distinguish Zhu's scholarly character and to consider his contribution to classical studies. Based on this, I discuss the argument between Zhu and Kang. In so doing, we can see that Kang was of the younger generation who had not yet come to prominence, while Zhu was already well-known by that time. Furthermore, Zhu's criticism of Kang's New Text studies was based on Song Learning, not Old Text Confucianism. From the perspective of academic paradigms, the argument between Zhu and Kang was not an Old Text versus New Text debate; instead, the Han Learning versus Song Learning debate would be a more appropriate frame of reference in which to consider it. This study provides a new viewpoint from which we can examine the development of late Qing intellectual history.
起訖頁 219-256
關鍵詞 朱一新康有為今文學漢宋之爭晚清Zhu YixinKang YouweiNew text ConfucianismHan learning versus Song learning debateLate Qing dynasty
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200603 (28期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論常州學派的學術淵源--以錢穆「中國近三百年學術史」的評論為起點
該期刊-下一篇 書評:「意境論的形成--唐代意境論研究」




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