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Novice Group Leaders’ Experience withAdolescent Group
作者 謝麗紅 (Lih-Horng Hsieh)陳尚綾
本研究目的在於了解大學層級新手領導者在帶領青少年團體諮商的經驗後對青少年的印象、態 度與團體諮商領導能力的改變,以作為團體諮商專業教育、督導及團體諮商實務工作者之參考。本 研究的參與者是輔導與諮商學系四年級的學生共39 位,在其所帶領的青少年團體結束後,邀請其同 意,以無記名的方式完成「新手領導者在團體諮商實作與督導之經驗問卷」的開放性問卷,作為本 研究質性內容分析資料的依據。研究結果顯示新手領導者從帶領青少年團體諮商的實習經驗中,有 助於新手領導者觀察到青少年參與團體的反應與互動狀況、需要領導者特別介入的狀況,並從中學 習到有效領導青少年團體的策略。新手領導者在帶領青少年團體經驗中,覺察發現自身在帶領青少 年團體諮商時的優勢與不足,並認為帶領團體經驗幫助他更了解與悅納青少年,增進與青少年的溝 通能力、領導技巧、團體突發狀況的處理能力,促進理論與實務經驗的連結,提升領導青少年團體 諮商的專業信心。
This study has three objectives. First, we aim to understand the experience of undergraduate novice counselors leadingadolescent group counseling. Second, we aim to understand the novice counselors’ impression of adolescents and their attitude towards them before and after leading thecounselinggroup. Third, we aim to understand changesin leadership capability of the novice counselors. Results and suggestions for further research and practice are discussed. The study subjects comprised 39 senior students in the Department of Guidance and Counseling who were invited to participate in this study at the end of their group counseling practicum. Qualitative analysis was conducted using questionnaire survey of the novice leaders’ group counseling experience. Results showed that the experience helped the novice leaders learn to observe the reactions and interactions of the adolescents in the group. They also became more aware of strengths and weaknesses in their counseling skill, and the abilities they need to develop to become a competent leader in group counseling with adolescents. Furthermore, they also became more understanding and accepting of adolescents, improved in their communication with them, and were more able to manage unexpected incidents during the group. They were also better able to connect theory and practice, and gained professional confidence in their group counseling with adolescents.
起訖頁 065-081
關鍵詞 青少年團體諮商新手領導者帶領經驗group counseling with adolescentsnovice group leadersgroup leaders’ experience
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201411 (36:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 更有效地利用督導—初探督導前的準備訓練對受督導者進入諮商督導過程的影響內涵




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