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Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Learning Attention In Preschoolers
作者 駱明潔潘意鈴
本研究旨在探討幼兒睡眠品質與學習注意力間的關聯性,以及瞭解不同背景變項之幼兒其在睡 眠品質上的差異情形。以自編之調查問卷為研究工具,針對臺中市就讀於公私立幼兒園的3-6 歲幼 兒為研究對象,採簡單隨機抽樣方式抽取有效樣本數為733 人。問卷調查資料,分別採用描述性及 推論性統計進行資料分析與處理,研究結果如下: 一、臺中市幼兒學習注意力之現況居於中上程度。 二、幼兒背景變項與睡眠品質存在顯著的關聯。 (一) 幼兒年齡與夢魘、夜尿困擾存在顯著的關聯性。 (二) 幼兒的身體質量指數與打鼾的發生率存在顯著的關聯性。 (三) 主要照顧者的就寢時間與幼兒的夜間睡眠時數、就寢時間和起床時間存在顯著的關聯性。 三、睡眠品質不同的幼兒在學習注意力上存在顯著的差異。 (一) 無磨牙困擾的幼兒學習注意力較有磨牙的幼兒佳。 (二) 沒有睡眠中斷的幼兒其學習注意力比睡眠中斷1 次的幼兒好。 (三) 幼兒的夜間睡眠時數越多、就寢時間越早,學習注意力就越佳。 (四) 起床時間為7:30 的幼兒比6:30 以前的幼兒學習注意力佳。 (五) 睡眠潛伏期為15 分鐘以內的幼兒在學習注意力得分顯著高於31 分鐘以上的幼兒。 最後依據研究發現,分別針對主要照顧者、教育單位以及未來研究者提出相關建議。
This study investigated the correlation between sleep quality and learning attention in preschoolers using the personal background of the preschoolers as variables. The researcher constructed a questionnaire as research tool. The subjects were 3 to 6 year-old preschoolers from certified public or private kindergartens and nursery Schools in Taichung City. Simple random sampling was used to select the preschoolers, and 733 effective samples were collected. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent-sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaires. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In general, the learning attention level in Taichung City preschoolers is medium to slightly above medium. 2. Significant correlation exists between the background of preschoolers and their sleep quality. (1) There is a significant difference between age and nightmare disturbances. Age is also apparently correlated to sleep enuresis. (2) The body mass index of preschoolers has an apparent correlation to snoring. (3) There is a significant difference between the time when caretakers retire and the sleep duration, time of retiring and wake-up time of preschoolers. 2. There is a significant difference between in learning attention and sleep quality of preschoolers. (1) The learning attention of preschoolers without sleep bruxism is better than those with sleep bruxism. (2) The learning attention of preschoolers without sleep interruption is better than those with sleep interruption. (3) The learning attention of preschoolers with longer sleep duration and earlier bedtime is better than those with shorter sleep duration and delayed bedtime. (4) The learning attention of preschoolers who rise at 7:30 am is better than those who rise at 6:30 am. (5) The learning attention of preschoolers whose sleep latency is less than 15 minutes is better than those whose sleep latency is more than 31 minutes. Finally, based on the findings of the study, suggestions were provided to the relevant caretakers, educational institutions and future researchers.
起訖頁 001-030
關鍵詞 學齡前幼兒睡眠品質學習注意力preschoolerssleep qualitylearning attention
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201305 (35:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-下一篇 希望諮商團體對女性藥物濫用者戒癮希望感、認知與行為改變與自我尊重之影響




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