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Analyzing the Experiences of Master Level Trainee Counselors Leading Unstructured Counseling Group: Preliminary Exploration of Personal Issues and Professional Development
作者 許育光 (Yu-Kuang Hsu)
本研究旨在探討碩士層級新手諮商師,實地帶領非結構諮商團體過程的重要經驗。研究分兩年 期共收集23 位諮商相關研究所碩士生,採協同領導方式實際進行十一個各為期十週之領導非結構諮 商團體經驗;研究於團體結束後採開放性問卷收集其重要經驗並加以進行內容分析。結果顯示新手 諮商師之團體實作歷程經驗與個人省思,包括(一)「團體實務領導經驗」所觸發之個人議題覺察與 面對,包含對於自我行為情緒議題、人際模式、個人價值觀與家庭經驗等覺察,以及在領導過程中 對個人議題的面對。(二)「協同領導經驗」所促發之個人議題覺察和面對,則包括對兩人差異的覺 察與磨合,以及默契發展與相互學習的面對歷程。(三)對於「團體諮商專業」之省思則包括對完整 實務歷程學習之自我肯定、團體動力和歷程的重新認識和強化,以及對於團體實務領導角色的省思。 (四)「諮商專業」之自我省思層面,包括從挫敗到自信逐漸建構的體認、面對諮商專業的態度變遷, 以及自我取向的探索。研究針對結果進行討論,並提出與教學、實務、訓練與督導相關之建議。
This study explored the experiences of master level trainee counselors leading unstructured counseling groups. Twenty-three graduate students were invited to co-lead eleven ten-session counseling groups over a two-year period. The major experiences of the trainees were collected using open questionnaire, and content analysis was conducted using open coding. Results showed that: (1) Group leading triggered self awareness, such as personal behavioral and emotional issues, interpersonal patterns, personal values and conviction, and family experience. In addition, in the process of leading the groups, personal issues were confronted; (2) Co-leading facilitated conflict awareness and adjustment, and consensus development and mutual learning; (3) Reflections about group counseling included self-affirmation for completing the learning process, recognition of group dynamics, and reconsideration of the leadership role in group counseling; and (4) Reflections about professional growth included developing self-confidence, changing professional attitudes and exploring self-approach. Discussions and recommendations for instruction, practice, training and supervision were proposed.
起訖頁 023-044
關鍵詞 認同領導新手諮商師諮商師教育專業發展團體諮商co-leadingcounselor educationgroup counselingtrainee counselorprofessional development
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201211 (34:2期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 夾腳拖鞋物戀:一位女性設計師之認同敘說
該期刊-下一篇 國中學生目標導向與社會比較關聯性之實徵研究




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