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Research on Western Silver Coins Unearthed in Southern Taiwan
作者 盧泰康
史料中所見十七至十九世紀臺灣地區流通的西方銀幣,又稱洋銀、番銀,種類繁多,且流通數量頗大,但歷來少有考古出土資料介紹,亦罕見相關的研究分析與討論。本文主要探討近年考古發掘工作成果、田野調查,以及博物館收藏的傳世西方銀幣資料,所確認之西方銀幣類型,包含荷蘭Stuvier 銀幣、西班牙雙地球雙柱里爾銀幣(花邊銀)、西班牙國王頭像里爾銀幣(佛頭銀)、墨西哥鷹銀(鷹洋),以及運用西方設備鑄造的西式日本圓銀。本文除了針對各類銀幣實物之紋飾特徵、銘文內容、所屬年代、幣值等細節,進行觀察與分析外,同時配合科學檢測成分分析結果、考古與傳世文物交互比對,以及文獻史料梳理,分析、考證其所屬文化脈絡,藉以探究明清時期臺灣流通西方銀幣的具體面貌與價值。
Known also as yangying (foreign silver coin) or fangying (barbarian silver coin), western silver coins circulating in Taiwan from the 17th to 19th century were of many different types and distributed in large quantity. However, little research had been done on silver coins from archaeological remains. This study on western silver coins unearthed in Southern Taiwan covered recent excavations, field studies as well as the collection of Tainan government. The artifacts examined included Dutch silver stuivers, Spanish silver reals; Mexican silver 8 reals (eagle silver) and Japanese silver yen. This paper presents the details as well as the comparative analytical studies of the silver coins listed above in terms of their specific decoration, motif, inscription, date of production and value. The compositions of these silver coins were determined using scientific approaches. Cross-examination among technical findings, archaeological evidences and historical records was conducted to shed light on the cultural and historic context of western silver coins circulating in Taiwan during Ming and Qing dynasties.
起訖頁 151-196
關鍵詞 西方銀幣洋銀番銀歷史考古古物研究Western Silver CoinYangying (Foreign Silver Coin)Fangying (Barbarian Silver Coin)Archaeology of Historical PeriodAntiquarian Study
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201506 (22:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清乾隆年間霧里薛溪與秀朗溪上游土地關係暨「山稅銀」性質商榷
該期刊-下一篇 2012-2013年臺灣史研究的回顧與展望




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