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The Debate between Assemblage Urbanism and Urban Political Economy
作者 王志弘
This article comments on the recent assertion of assemblage urbanism in the filed of urban studies, as well as its debate with the asserters of political economy. Focusing on the Urban Assemblages and the journal of City, the author compiles the arguments of both sides and concludes with mainly two types: one argues to learn merits from each other while the other claims that assemblage urbanism should replace political economy. The consensus from different parties however, is that while assemblage urbanism could assist in extending the empirical analysis and complements the methodology regarding the once overlooked issues, it nevertheless lacks or neglects theoretical and structural explanation. There are also disputes that cannot be reconciled, which center mainly on the ontological, epistemological, and political grounds. This article argues that besides taking political economy to frame up the analysis of assemblage, one should also offer persuasive explanation via the probing of historical experiences and a stance for the current urban challenges if he or she wants to make assemblage a distinctive theory or paradigm rather than mere methodology.
起訖頁 109-122
關鍵詞 assemblageactor-network theoryassemblage urbanismcritical urban theorypolitical economy拼裝體行動者網絡理論拼裝都市論批判都市理論政治經濟學
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201505 (62期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 社區依附、環境態度與居民對於保護的看法 :以關渡自然公園為例




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