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The Effect of Electroacupuncture Stimulation of Different Frequencies on Rabbit Muscle Tissue and Serum Enzyme
作者 林昭庚許仁豪劉旭然許朝添李采娟謝慶良
為了研究不同頻率電針刺激對肌肉組織之影響,將二十四隻雄性紐西蘭家兔分成四組,每組六隻,它們的兩側環跳穴及陽陵泉穴分別被用來研究; 1. 傳統的單純針刺;2.2Hz 電針;3.15 Hz 電針;4. 使用 100 Hz 電針。每日刺激十五分鐘,連續十五日之後立即、 一個月後、二個月後分別取下其中兩隻家兔之刺激穴位周圍的 0.7 立方公分之肌肉組織做成切片然後觀察它們的病理學變化。同時它們的血清酵素 GOT、CPK、LDH 在第八次針刺後也被測量。本研究的結果顯示針刺穴位周圍之肌肉組織的出血、發炎細胞的浸潤、變性及壞死程度,以 100 Hz 電針刺激組為最大,其次是 15 Hz 及 2 Hz 電針刺激組,最小的是傳統針刺組。血清酵素的增高程度,亦隨著肌肉損傷程度的增大而增高。CPK、LDH 的增高是以 100 Hz 及 15 Hz 電針刺激組為最高。我們的結論是每日連續的電針刺激,可造成肌肉組織的損傷,其損傷的程度與電針的頻率及針刺的次數成正比的關係。
To investigate the influences of electro-acupuncture of different electro-frequencies on muscle, twenty-four male New Zealand rabbits were treated once everyday with manual acupuncture or electroacupuncture of different electro-frequencies (2 Hz, 15 Hz, 100 Hz) on acupoints as Yangling Quan (GB-34) and Huantiao (GB-30) for 15 times as one therapeutic course. Muscular tissues of the acupoints were taken at the very day of the ending and 1,2 months after one therapeutic course respectively. All muscular tissues were processed through fixation, section and stain before microscopic examination. Serum enzymes as GOT, CPK and LDH were also evaluated after the eighth acupuncture. The results showed the highest degree of bleeding, inflammatory, degeneration and necrosis in the 100 Hz EA group. In manual acupuncture group, there were changes of milder degree than those occurred in EA group. The more the muscular damage yielded, the higher the serum enzyme increased. The value of CPK and LDH in 100 Hz EA and 15 Hz EA groups were the highest. This study indicated the higher the EA frequency and the larger the dosage of acupuncture, the more severe the muscular damage yielded.
起訖頁 207-218
關鍵詞 電針刺激肌肉組織血清酵素Electroacupuncture stimulationMuscle tissueSerum enzyme
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199712 (8:4期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 防風通聖散與大腸生理迴饋對慢性便秘患者之臨床研究
該期刊-下一篇 葛根湯、麻黃湯之高濃縮速溶劑型及其指標成分之研究




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