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Subacute Toxicity of 15 Commonly Used Chinese Drugs(3)
作者 楊行義陳介甫
衛生署出版之「中華民國中藥典範」中列有 400 種常用中藥,但對毒理作用均未述及;為「評估中藥之亞急性毒性」,以應證藥典記載之虛實並得以實驗澄清,並為將來有關藥效及毒理評估奠定實驗的基礎,而擬定此實驗。於急性一半致死劑量 1/5 至 1/10 當亞急性毒性最大耐受量之參考劑量下; 本實驗觀察連續口服十四天(每日一劑)川烏(0.5,2.5 g/kg),大棗(1,5 g/kg),鉤藤(1,5 g/kg),甘草(0.1,0.5 g /kg),何首烏(0.2,1 g/kg),雞血藤(1, 5 g/kg),決明子(1,5 g/kg),菊花(1,5 g/kg),桑寄生(1,5 g/kg),山楂(1,5 g/kg),三七(1,5 g/kg),吳茱萸(1,5 g/kg),遠志(1,5 g/kg),延胡索(0.2,1 g/kg),及浙貝母(1,5 g/kg)等十五種常用中藥材 50%乙醇抽提液對大白鼠血液常規檢驗、臨床生化、自發性運動行為、及整體之亞急性毒性。其臨床生化結果顯示鉤藤,桑寄生及決明子等影響蛋白質代謝最終產物 BUN;川烏,決明子,及桑寄生等影響腎功能 creatinine 值;川烏,甘草,何首烏,菊花,及延胡索等影響肝功能 SGPT 值;鉤藤,甘草,何首烏,雞血藤,菊花,山楂,吳茱萸,遠志及延胡索等影響尿液蛋白質含量。於實驗結束解剖發現川烏,大棗,雞血藤,菊花,桑寄生,山楂,三七,吳茱萸,遠志,延胡索 & 浙貝母等導致心、肝、肺、或腎臟器之組織重或含水量等病理指標之改變。於行為毒理評估發現除大劑量大棗(5 g/kg)及遠志(5 g/kg)等導致服藥後第 2,3,9,及 10 天中等至強度之抑制自發性運動作;其餘被試之十三種常用中藥被試之劑量下均未發被試之劑量下均未發現任何非可逆性肉眼可視之病理及死亡毒性副作用。藉由此實驗計劃希望對近百種常用中藥之安全性評估及毒性資料,提供中醫健保的用藥基準。
As befitting the sublime label of 'the art of healing', traditionally the development of professional acumen in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine relies heavily on years of accumulated clinical observations. The shortcomings are the relatively lack of hard evidence, systematic documentation and uniformity in interpretation, resulting in the unfortunate aura of mysteriousness and reluctance in general acceptance. Relatively little is known about the toxicological profiles of the 4000 commonly-used Chinese medicinal drugs listed in the 'Standards of Chinese Drugs, ROC.' To rectify this, the present project, entitled 'The evaluation of the subacute toxicity of commonly used Chinese medicinal drugs', of which the present report was a part, was intitiated to provide experimental evidence to support or refute vague claims in traditional Chinese pharmacopoeias and reference for futures studies. The subaccute toxicological and behavioral effects of 50% ethanol crude extracts of the following traditional Chinese medicinal drugs administered in single doses (p.o. per day for 14 days) were evaluated quantitatively:1.Chuanwu(0.5,2.5g/kg)2.Dazao(1,5 g/kg)3.gouteng(1,5 g/kg)4.Gancao(0.1,0.5 g/kg)5.Hashouwu(0.2, 1g/kg) 6.Jixueteng(1, 5 g/kg) 7.Juemingzi(1, 5 g/kg) 8.Juhua(1, 5g/kg) 9.Songjisheng(1, 5 g/kg) 10.Shanzha(1, 5 g/kg) 11.Sanchi(1, 5g/kg)12.Wuchuyu(1,5 g/kg)12.Wuchuyu(1,5 g/kg)13.Yuanzhi(1,5 g/kg)14.Yanhusuo(0.2, 1 g/kg) and 15.Zhebeimu(1,5 g/kg). The following results were observed:whole body nutrient standard references values such as blood urinary nitrogen(BUN) were affected by Gouteng, Songjisheng & Jueminzzi; plasma total protein was affected by Chuanwu, Juemingzi, & Songjisheng. Renal functional reference standard tests such as creatinine clearance was affected by Chuanwu, Dazao, Juemingzi, & Zhebeimu. Liver function indices such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT) was affefted by Chuanwu, Gancao, Heshouwu, Juhua, & Yanhusuo. Urinary protein was affected by Gouteng, Gancao, Heshouwuk Jixueteng, Juhua, Shanzha, Wuchuyu
起訖頁 33-54
關鍵詞 中藥亞急性毒理藥物安全評估Chinese drugsSubacute toxicityDrug evaluation
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199703 (8:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 芳香療法
該期刊-下一篇 洋玉蘭和夜合花之枝幹及葉所含厚朴酚及和厚朴酚之高效液相層析分析




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