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Studies of Character Recognition by Fingers
作者 李嗣涔石朝霖
我們反覆量了兩位十多歲小女孩的手指識字能力,證實她們可以只用手指觸摸內容有文字或有圖案析疊的紙捲,而在腦中「看到」這些圖案之顏色及形狀。其中一位經過145 次的實驗,我們發現了成功的幾項要件:小女孩手掌的溫度必須低於 34 ° C;手指必須直接接觸紙捲,若隔一塑膠盒或紙捲用膠帶封死,則成功機會大幅下降;若戴上眼罩或在室做實驗則顏色認錯的比例大增;主觀的知覺也會影響辨識的正確率。另外我們也歸納出小女孩腦中圖像顯示的順序:當圖像在腦中出現後幾秒鐘,手掌也時量到放電的現象,第一次放電會讓受試者在腦中看到一片單一顏色或成帶狀的多種顏色,然後顏色消失;待第二次放電時受試者會主述看到部份的字或彩色圖案出現,然後又消失。接下來每出現一次放電,圖案會重新出現並增加一部份內容又消失,直到不再增加為止。我們推測受試者手指可能送出未知信號投射折疊紙張的表面,然後將反射之信號接收送回到視覺中樞而非觸覺中樞成像。若能找這種信號發生出及擷取之機制,仿製成新式的醫學儀器,則可以直接從體外掃描形成消化管道及內臟內外壁的影像。另外我們也可以訓練後天盲人,開發手指視覺,使其重新看到這個世界。
Repeated tests on two girls just over 10 years old demonstrated that t hey could indeed 'see' the color and shape of the figures or characters in their brain by just touching a piece of folded paper containing these patterns with fingers. One of the girls was tested for one hundred and forty five times, and we discovered several requirements for the success of the experiments: first the palm temperature of the girl must be lower than 34 ° C. Secon, the finger must contact the folded paper directly, if the folded paper is contained in a plastic box or stuck with tape, the accuracy rate drops significantly. Thirdly, the color recongnition rate decreases appreciably when the test is performed in a dark room or the girl wears eyeshads. Fourthly, the girls' subjective cognition tends to affect the accuracy rate. In addition, the figure emerging sequence in the girl's brain can be deduced: after the patterns emerge in the girl's visual field for several seconds, we measure an electrical pulse generated between the girl's plams. The first pulse represents the emergence of a screen with single color or mulitcolor arranged in stripes in the girl's brain, then the color disappears. When the second pulse is detected, the girl describes that she sees part of the colorful character or figures appearing in her visual field, then the signals disappears again. Later on, the pattern will reappear with more content and then disappear until there is no more increase in content. We postulate that the girls's fingers may send some unknown radiation through the surface of the folded paper, then the reflected signals are detcted and sent back not to the somatic sensory cortex but to the visual cortex and the visual center reconstructs the image. If the radiation and signal transmission mechanisms can be understood, a new type of medical diagnostic instrument can be designed to externally reconstruct the surface image of the inner organs of the human body. In addition, we can also train the blind people to develop this'finger vision' and help them to 'see' this world again.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 手指識字折疊紙團手指放電腦中出現圖像character recognition by fingersFolded paper palm electrical dischargePattern emerging in the brain
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199703 (8:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-下一篇 中醫眼科學:理論的極限




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