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中醫藥雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Evaluation of Acupuncture on Osteoarthritis
作者 黃玉治周昌德
骨性膝關節炎為最常見的關節炎,以老人及女性患者多見,此病變常影響日常生活起居,及行動不便甚至關節變形、畸形。本研究旨在探討針刺治療骨性膝關節之病忠30 名接受針刺治療,以雙側楊健泉(GB34)為主,觀察及記錄針刺治療前後主觀疼痛分數(pain score)及客觀膝關節下蹲的角度變化,所得的數據,以T 按驗計算統計其意義。研究結果顯示:(一)疼痛分數——針刺治療後,疼痛有顯著性緩解(P<0.01);(二)下蹲角度——由92.9度顯著性降為70.4度(P<0.05);(三)總體療效:顯效佔23%,總有效率為80%。根據結呆顯示骨性膝關節炎之針刺治療在近期即有較佳療效,可緩解疼痛,改善活動範園,提昇生活品質,可提供臨床醫師治療骨性膝關節炎的參考,其作用機理如何,值得吾人加以深入研究。
Osteoarthitis (OA) of the knee is a common disease in elderly and female patients. It always affects the patient's life through limited of motion or deformity of the joints that it causes. This study attempts to evaluate the effect of acupuncture therapy on the patient with OA of the knee. All the subjeats were acupuncture or rheumatology patients. They were all definitely diagnosed as having OA of the knee. Thirty patients received acupuncture therapy. Bilateral Yanglingquan (GB-34) were the main points used. Comparison of the difference before and alter acupuncture therapy was based on objective pain score and subjective knee flexion angle. All the data were analyzed using t-test statistic method. The results show: (1) pain was significantly relieved after acupuncture therapy according to the pain score (P<0.01): (2) the knee flexion angle has significantly changed from 92.9° to 70.4° (P<0.05); (3) effectiveness was shown in 80% of patients and significant improvement in 23%. According to the results of this study, the overall short-term effect of acupuncture therapy on knee OA is significant. Acupuncture can relieve the pain, increase the range of motion and improve the quality of daily life. Although acupuncture can be used as alterative therapy, the meahanism still needs further evaluation and study.
起訖頁 243-247
關鍵詞 骨性膝關節炎針刺陽陵泉OsteoarthitisAcupunctureYanglingquan GB-34
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199512 (6:4期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 台灣犀牛角虎骨事件被國際保育團體扭曲真相之探研
該期刊-下一篇 針刺合谷穴對體感覺誘發電位正波300的影響




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