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The Pharmacognostical Studies on "Mu-Mien"
作者 林俊清陳淑意楊政哲
木棉係本省常用的生藥,又名「斑芝樹」、「楇木」、「棉樹」、「加薄綿」,能消炎、止痛、消腫、收斂、止血、緩和、強壯,民間常用來作為腸炎、赤痢、跌打、骨折、月經過多、惡瘡疥癬、皮膚病、黃疸性肝臟腫大,及各種肝炎等之治療。有關木棉之基源,據佐佐木舜一、甘偉松、許鴻源等人之調查,認為係木棉科(Bombacaceae)植物Bombax malabarica DC.的樹皮、根、花或葉。但據著者收集市場品及現地之調查,結果發現除了上述植物外,尚有他種同名異物品出現在市場上,為究明市售木棉之基源,確保藥效及開今資源而從事生藥學之研究。由生藥學之研究,臺灣市售木棉及Bombax malabarica DC.、Ceiba pentandra GAERTN之外部形態特徵及內部構造特徵,如表1.及表2.所示。由l)莖表皮細胞之有無,栓皮層多寡,皮層柔細胞的大小,韌皮纖維的層數、徑的大小和厚度,木部纖維徑的大小和厚度,導管徑的大小,髓部的纖維群之有無;2)根之皮層柔細胞的大小及石細胞之有無,韌皮纖維的層數、徑的大小和厚度,木部纖維徑的大小和厚度,導管裡的大小等之觀察,可明顯的區別出。由這些結果確證市售木棉的基源為Bombax malabarica DC.的莖皮、莖、根、根莖併用及Ceiba pentandra GAERTN之根與莖。
”Mu-mien” is one of the folk medicines in Taiwan, used as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, hemostatic, moderating and tonic agents. It has been used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, contused wound, fracture, profuse menstruation, dermatosis, obstructive jaundice and hepatitis etc. The origin of Mu-mien has been assumed by Sasaki, Kan and Hsu to be derived from the bark, root, flower and leaves of Bombax malabarica DC. of Bombacaceac. However, rigorous examinations of the samples collected from Taiwan market, have shown that other plants have also been used under the label of Mu-mien. To clarify the origin of Mu-mien on Taiwan market, the comparative anatomic studies were examined out. The results show that ”Mu-mien” is derived from (1) root (2) stem (3) the mixture of root and stem (4) the bark of stem of Bombax, malabarica DC. and (5) the mixture of root and stem of Ceiba pentandra G(subscript AERTN). The morphological characteristics of Mu-mien on Taiwan market and comparative plants distributed in Taiwan are presented in Table I and Table 2.
起訖頁 57-71
關鍵詞 木棉吉貝木棉民間藥基源植物生藥學研究Mu-mienBombax malabarica DC.Ceiba pentandra GAERTN.Folk medicineOriginPharmacognostical studies
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199303 (4:1期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 中醫英譯與詞彙學之研究
該期刊-下一篇 中草藥純化成份對兔子血小板凝集反應的作用




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