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The Correlation between Osteoporosis and Lifestyles in People with Intellectual Disabilities
作者 姚仲徽林藍萍林金定
Osteoporosis has been ranking second only to cardiovascular disease in the world due to the change of the structure of human extension population. Osteoporosis causes various fractures in body parts and affects physical activities. It might also lead to anergy or death when situation turns critical. Intellectual disabilities are the most disadvantageous in the group of disabilities. Those who suffer from several diseases not only need helps from others, but also having troubles explaining their health needs because of language expression failures. Additionally, due to the low average of ages, intellectual disabilities face aging disease that happens earlier than average person. Thus, the factor that causes osteoporosis should be concerned. Many reasons produce the generation and loss of bone mineral density. This article is mainly addressed on how intellectual disabilities' lifestyle influences osteoporosis. According to local and foreign references, the bone mineral density of intellectual disabilities is fairly lower than healthy groups. The affecting factors might be disability level, complications, eating behaviors, physical activities, long-term medication and chronic diseases. This research will integrate all information and propose effective suggestions. Hope this will provide caretakers a deeper insight to intellectual disabilities that suffer from osteoporosis.
起訖頁 197-207
關鍵詞 骨質密度骨質不足骨質疏鬆智能障礙發展障礙Bone mineral densityosteopeniaosteoporosisintellectual disabilitydevelopmental disability
刊名 身心障礙研究  
期數 201509 (13:3期)
出版單位 財團法人中華啟能基金會附屬台灣智能障礙研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 醫療照顧人員對骨質疏鬆症認知情形: 文獻回顧分析




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