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Parenting Stress and Quality of Life in Parents of Children Newly Diagnosed with Developmental Delays
作者 李佳宜 (Chia-Yi Li)蔣伊真黃雅鈴李興中李國鳳
Previous studies showed that parents of children with diagnosis have higher levels of parenting stress and poorer quality of life (QOL). There were few studies investigating the status of parenting stress and QOL in parents when their children with developmental delay (DD) have not received early intervention. The aims of this study were to explore the status and factors associated with parenting stress and QOL in parents in caring children with DD, and find predictors of parenting stress and QOL. This was a cross-sectional study by using purposive sampling method. Parenting Stress Index and World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF were used as major measurement. Participants were 58 parents of children newly diagnosed with DD. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, independent-sample t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and stepwise multiple regression analyses were used. The results showed that compared with previous studies, parents of children with DD had similar levels of parenting stress as those of children with typical development. Parents of children with DD reported to have a poorer QOL than general population in Taiwan, statistically poorer in the physical health and social relationships domains. Based on further analysis, speech delay and total problematic behaviors were the predictors of parent subscale of parenting stress, and externalizing problematic behaviors were the predictors of children subscale of parenting stress; internalizing problematic behaviors were the predictors of psychological domain of QOL, speech delay and household income were the predictors of environmental domain of QOL, and the predictors of physical health and social relationship domains were not found in our study. The findings of this study highlighted the importance of clinical implications of these predictors. Healthcare clinicians should provide more individualized parenting skills training services and family-centered intervention for both parents and children with DD, which could further help parents' well-beings and children development.
起訖頁 153-169
關鍵詞 發展遲緩親職壓力生活品質Developmental delayparenting stressquality of life
刊名 身心障礙研究  
期數 201509 (13:3期)
出版單位 財團法人中華啟能基金會附屬台灣智能障礙研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 社福機構中成年智能障礙者姿態不良與相關因素初探
該期刊-下一篇 特教教師對特殊幼兒入小一自我決策與學校生活適應看法:問卷量表編製之研究




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