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An exploration of tampon use intentions among female college students based on the Theory of Planned Behavior: examining sexual orientation and gender characteristic as effect modifiers
作者 張佳婷黃俊豪吳淑靜
目標:以計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)探討其三大構念(行為態度、主觀規範及自覺行為控制)之直接測量與間接測量,對女大學生棉條使用意圖之影響,並探討性取向與性別氣質對其之潛在調節作用。方法:透過網路對女大學生發放收得有效問卷363份,並使用多變項逐步羅吉斯迴歸進行資料分析。結果:直接測量部分,行為態度為相對正向者(AOR=15.18)、主觀規範為相對高度支持者(AOR=5.81),具顯著較高之棉條使用意圖。此外,具有棉條使用經驗者(AOR=13.14),未來亦有顯著較高之棉條使用意圖。間接測量部分,發現性取向、性別氣質對棉條使用意圖具顯著之調節作用,例如:對可減少經血外漏之態度為相對正向時,陽剛者較陰柔者(AOR=0.25)具顯著較低之棉條使用意圖。結論:本研究以計劃行為理論探討女大學生之棉條使用意圖,發現其行為態度與主觀規範為最主要之影響因子,且性取向與性別氣質可能具調節作用。本研究結果可作為未來學生健康中心及相關衛生教育單位進行性別教育之實證參考依據。
Objectives: This study explored female college students’ intentions to use tampons by applying the direct and indirect measures of the three constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB): Attitude toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control. The potential moderating effects of sexual orientation and gender characteristic were also examined. Methods: Data were collected from 363 female college students through an anonymous online survey. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: When the TPB direct measures were applied, a relatively positive attitude toward the behavior (AOR = 15.18) and a relatively supportive subjective norm (AOR = 5.81) were found significantly associated with high tampon use intentions. In addition, those with tampon use experience (AOR = 13.14) were significantly more inclined to use tampons in the future. When the TPB indirect measures were applied, both sexual orientation and gender characteristic (butch/ femme identity) were found to have significant moderating effects on tampon use intentions. For example, among those with a relatively positive attitude toward preventing menstrual blood leakage, those with a butch identity (AOR = 0.25) were significantly less inclined to use tampons than their femme counterparts. Conclusions: Using the TPB as a theoretical framework, this study found that attitudes toward the behavior and subjective norms were strongly associated with tampon use intentions among female college students. In addition, sexual orientation and gender characteristic appeared to be effect modifiers. The empirical findings of this study could provide useful information for future gender health education programs in the student population. (Taiwan J Public Health.
起訖頁 424-436
關鍵詞 計劃行為理論棉條使用意圖女大學生性取向性別氣質(陽剛/陰柔)Theory of Planned Behaviortampon use intentionsfemale college studentssexual orientationgender characteristic (butch/femme)
刊名 台灣公共衛生雜誌  
期數 201508 (34:4期)
出版單位 台灣公共衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 安寧療護使用天數對末期病人醫療資源耗用之影響
該期刊-下一篇 2003至2013年台灣地區登革熱併發登革出血熱危險因子分析




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